‘Kim Hak’s Case’ back to the prosecution… “Investigation conditions are not allowed”

I was interested in whether the prosecutors who were on the investigation line for the alleged illegal withdrawal of Kim Hak’s former vice minister would be the targets of the 1st investigation of the Ministry of Public Affairs. It was the reason that there was still no conditions for investigation.

On the report, this is reporter Bae Jun-woo.


The targets of the investigation that the prosecution passed to the airlift on the 3rd are Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Lee Seong-yoon and Prosecutor Lee Gyu-won.

It is also a measure according to the airlift law, and prosecutors also wanted to investigate the airlift.

Kim Jin-wook, who had been struggling repeatedly, came to the conclusion after nine days of the decision to return the case to the prosecution.

He explained that there are currently no conditions for investigation.

[김진욱/공수처장 : 검사가 임명될 때까지 검찰 수사팀에서 수사 계속하도록 하는 게 수사 공백 없이 그게 옳겠다는 결정을 하게 된 것입니다.]

It is said that sending it to the police, which is focused on investigating allegations of LH speculation, and borrowing the investigative manpower are also difficult for the airlift.

However, just having it, it is obvious that it will be criticized for crushing the investigation.

[김진욱/공수처장 : 수사를 본격적으로 못 하면서 사건을 가지고 있는 것 자체가 공정성 논란을 그러니까 그렇다는(봐주기 수사) 논란을 피하고 싶다는 말 드립니다.]

Director Kim presided over the first human resources committee today (12th) to prepare for the investigation of the Ministry of Public Affairs.

This is the procedure for selecting candidates for investigation prosecutors and appointing them by the president. If investigators and staff are also selected, a full-scale investigation is expected to be possible until next month.

The Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office, taking over the case again, is expected to speed up the investigation.

Prosecutors Lee Seong-yoon and Prosecutor Lee Gyu-won, who have been subjected to the prosecution’s investigation again, have not made a difference, but the possibility of being cooperative with the investigation does not seem very high.

In particular, Prosecutor General Lee Seong-yoon, who is in the prosecutor general’s candidate army, is likely to have a conflict with the investigation team that a summons investigation is absolutely necessary.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Video editing: Won-hee Won)
