Kim Ga-yeon expresses an upset heart by the bad comments, “Why are you living with such a woman?”

InsighttvN’Quick Clearance’

[뉴시스] Reporter Kang Jin-ah = Actor Kim Ga-yeon revealed the feelings of being upset by malicious comments after appearing in tvN entertainment’Quick Clean Up’.

On the 9th, Ga-yeon Kim said on his Instagram with the title of’Quick Organizing’ on her Instagram on the 9th. I live.”

InsighttvN’Quick Clearance’

He added, “It’s not like buying luxury goods, but why are you buying with such a woman, that’s a bit like that.” I saw you wrote such a message in a cafe. Hold on to your worries,” he said.

“There are a lot of things, not messy things. But I think it’s real that the quality of life changes when I empty the house and clean it up,” he said. “My heart is a chimney. I wasn’t able to do it, but thank you. New organization team! I’ll keep it well and live.”


On the TVN’Quick Clean Up’, which aired on the 8th, Kim Ga-yeon and Lim Yo-hwan appeared. Ga-yeon Kim, a celebrity representative who takes care of not only his family but also his acquaintances generously, drew attention with his life reminiscent of his grandmother at the Jonggatjip. Luggage overflowed all over the house, and a quick organizer began to organize.

In 2011, Ga-yeon Kim signed a marriage registration with Yo-Hwan Lim, a pro gamer, and became a couple, and then married in 2016. He has two daughters.
