Kim Eo-jun “A judge guarantees the term of President Yun”… Yoon Seok-yeol’s ruling fierce criticism


Kim Eo-jun “A judge guarantees the term of President Yun”… Yoon Seok-yeol’s ruling fierce criticism

Last updated 2020.12.25 13:14Article input 2020.12.25 13:14

Eojun Kim
[이미지출처 = 연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 최은영 기자] Broadcaster Kim Eo-jun criticized the court’s decision to suspend the execution of the two-month suspension of prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol of the Ministry of Justice.

On the morning of the 25th, Mr. Kim said in his TBS radio program’Kim Eo-Jun’s News Factory’ that it was “an impossibility of judgment.”

“So, the judge and a judge in the administrative court did this,’I’ll guarantee my term as the prosecutor general’,” he said. “It doesn’t seem important that the contents of the (court) decision are incorrect.

He said, “There are reactions and reactions in the world, so if (the court) comes out like this, we expect that there will be a greater reaction of power,” he said.

Earlier, the court decided on the 24th to suspend execution of the two-month suspension of the Justice Department’s suspension against the incumbent Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol for the first time in the history of its constitution. With this decision, Yoon will return to work in eight days on the 25th.

The judge said, “Most of the six reasons for the disciplinary action claimed by the Ministry of Justice are lacking in clarification or there is room for controversy.

However, he said, “(In the case of a judge’s document), it is very inappropriate because there is a risk of being abused.” The point pointed out by the judiciary is the homework that Yoon must solve in the future main case lawsuit.

On the other hand, the person Kim called “a judge” on this day was Deputy Judge Hong Soon-wook of the 12th Division of the Seoul Administrative Court. On the 24th, it was the person who led the return of President Yoon’s job, citing Yoon’s request for suspension of execution for two months. Born in Seoul, he graduated from the Department of Law at Korea University and has been serving as the Deputy Judge of the Seoul Administrative Court since February 2018. In 2013, he was selected as an excellent judge by receiving a perfect score for all items in the judge’s evaluation evaluated by lawyers from the Seoul Bar Association.

Intern reporter Choi Eun-young [email protected]
