Kim Dong-yeon,’once’, will not run for mayor of Seoul… suggesting future politics?

On the 18th, former Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon, who had raised the mayor of Seoul, said, “Long before the media reported this or that, he clearly expressed his intention of refusal.” However, he criticized the established politicians and added a meaningful statement, saying, “Our politics can change only if there is a change equivalent to a change of power.”

Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim posted an article on his social media that day, saying, “This time, I received an invitation and request from various places to run for the mayor of Seoul. “I still feel inadequate.”

He said, “Because they were stronger requests than in the last general election, I was worried about that much.” He said, “You talked about which party, victory in the primary, and mid-scale expansion, but my concerns were different. Apart from the political existence and disadvantage, I was able to find an alternative to the lives of citizens such as real estate, quarantine and public welfare, and He said, “I thought I had to think more about it and think about finding alternatives,” he said.

“There must be a change in the degree of force change”… Kim Dong-yeon’s bigger dream?

  Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon gives a keynote speech at the 10th anniversary symposium of the Korea Scholarship Foundation.
Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon gives a keynote speech at the 10th anniversary symposium of the Korea Scholarship Foundation.
Ⓒ Korea Scholarship Foundation

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On the surface, it reads as a declaration of not running for the 4.7 Mayor of Seoul. However, former Deputy Prime Minister Kim poured out remarks suggesting the possibility of initiating politics, saying, “Through this incident, my worries deepened with a frustrating heart. How long should our politics be buried in competition to win?”

There is also a view that some of the passports say, “If you are an opposition candidate, the most difficult presidential candidate is Kim Dong-yeon” (a member of the Democratic Party).

Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim said in a social media post, “How long should the people watch and endure, how to create a policy competition that solves problems in people’s lives and prepares for the future, and how to create imagination that breaks the camp logic, a new person every election. He said, “It is a proof that there is a lot of distrust in the existing politics, but I think that Korean politics can change only if there is a change equivalent to a change of power rather than a new blood transfusion of one or two people.” .

He added, “There have been many proposals for institutional reform to change politics,” he said. “But what we need more than anything right now is the idea that the problem we are facing is not the other’s fault, but mine, and we are all responsible, and practice for change.” Criticized.

He said, “I think that it is not a’competition’ to win our politics, but a’gyeongjang (更張)’ to create a new plate,” he said. “Competent and dedicated people from various fields of society come together to present a future vision and “We have to create a leadership that will gather the capabilities of our people.”

Ban Ki-moon followed by’Chungcheong’s long-awaited theory’?…

  Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon attended the World Korean Businessmen Conference held at the Changwon Convention Center on October 31, and Changwon Mayor Huh Seong-moo attended.
Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon attended the World Korean Businessmen Conference held at the Changwon Convention Center on October 31, and Changwon Mayor Huh Seong-moo attended.
Ⓒ Changwon City Hall

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In addition, analysis has been raised consistently within the Democratic Party that the former Vice Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon was from Chungcheong-do, and that he could ride the flower pot of the opposition’Chungcheong Long-awaited’. At the time of the 2017 presidential election, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emerged as the protagonist of the conservative Chungcheong debate, but failed to overcome the full-scale verification process. Former Vice Prime Minister Kim and former President Ban are both from Eumseong, North Chungcheong Province.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim also set up a corner with former Cheong Wa Dae policy director Jang Ha-sung over’income-led growth’, which was the core economic policy in the early Moon Jae-in administration.

A member of the Democratic Party’s family member (Jae-in Chin) <오마이뉴스>“Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim said, “As an economic expert, he is an excellent and talented advocate,” and said, “If you are an opposition candidate, you are the most threatening person.”

Rep. Lee pointed out, “The life story that I was from a’dirt spoon’ and went through Sanggo and night college to get to where I am now is also attractive to the public. Above all, my hometown is Chungcheong-do.”

The following is the full text of the statement posted on social media by former Vice Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon.

Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon and Minister of Strategy and Finance, responding to inquiries from lawmakers at a general audit of the Planning and Finance Committee held at the National Assembly on the 25th.
Kim Dong-yeon, former Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance.
Ⓒ Nam So-yeon

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[전문] “Politics will change only when there is a change equivalent to a change of power”

“Recently, there have been many stories about me regarding the by-election of the mayor of Seoul. Many people contacted me, but I understand that I could not respond, and I would like to briefly share my position.

During my long public service life, my focus was on’contributing to social change’. The same is true even now when I quit public office. This is because the benefits I have received from the country and society are great. Whenever I was invited to begin politics, I always thought about whether politics is the best way to put my beliefs into practice. Together with the idea that politics is something that cannot be done without a sense of vocation, responsibility, and problem-solving alternatives.

This time, I received invitations and requests to run for the mayor of Seoul from various places and branches. The requests were stronger than in the last general election, so I was worried about that much. Although many of you talked about which party, victory in the primary, and mid-scale expansion, my concerns were different. It was whether I was equipped with alternatives and capabilities for the lives of citizens such as real estate, quarantine, and people’s livelihood, as well as the livelihoods of Seoul, apart from political impairment. It is not a question of whether or not you can properly accomplish karma. I still feel lacking. I thought I had to think more about it and think about finding an alternative. Long before it was reported in the media, I had already made it clear my intentions of rejection.

As I went through this incident, my worries deepened with a frustrated heart. How long will our politics be buried in the competition to win? How long should the people watch and endure? How to create a field of policy competition that solves the problems of people’s lives and prepares for the future, and the imagination that breaks the camp logic. The same goes for finding a new person at every election. Although this is a proof that there is a lot of distrust in the existing politics, I think that Korean politics can change only if there is a change equivalent to a change of power rather than a new blood transfusion of one or two people.

Now, I think that we need a’kyungjang’ to create a new game rather than’competition’ to win our politics.

There have been many proposals for institutional reform to change politics. But what we need more than anything right now is the idea that the problem we are facing is not the other person’s fault, but that of me and that we are all responsible, and action for change. To this end, many citizens must become active producers of politics and policies, not passive consumers. At the same time, competent and dedicated people in various fields of society must work together to present a vision for the future and create a leadership that will gather the capabilities of our people.

I am deeply grateful for your undeserved suggestions and requests for me, and for showing your interest in many ways. I will continue to do all I can to’contribute to social change’.”

[관련 기사]

Unplanned’Kim Dong-yeon’, the Democratic Party’s Unrest
