Kim Dong-sung was found fallen…how hard it was.


Former short track player Kim Dong-sung was found down.

Kim Dong-sung was found by an acquaintance on the 27th, collapsed at his home around 3 pm An acquaintance who discovered Kim Dong-Sung who had collapsed reported that his consciousness was blurry, and as a result of the paramedic’s confirmation, Kim Dong-sung was taking a sleeping pill. Fortunately, it is known that there is no harm to life.

Currently, Kim Dong-sung is having a conflict with his ex-wife over the issue of child support.

Recently, Kim Dong-sung appeared on TV Chosun’We Got Divorced’ with his girlfriend, Min-jung. Subsequently, when controversy over child-raising expenses arose, Kim Dong-sung expressed his position through People’s Justice’s Instagram.

Kim Dong-sung said, “I divorced by agreement with my ex-wife on the condition of paying 3 million won for child support to the children in December 2018. After the divorce, I paid 7 million won per month including 3 million won for child support for about 6-7 months.” Said.

However, Kim Dong-sung, who had been hit by the main source of income due to the corona and health problems such as kidney dialysis of his brother, explained that a coach proposal came in in April of last year, but his ex-wife was enrolled in the Bad Fathers and even the coach position was withheld. Fortunately, he added that he was able to receive a salary of 2.9 million won as an assistant coach through an acquaintance, so he tried to send 2 million won away from the minimum living expenses.

Kim Dong-sung explained, “It’s true that I couldn’t give it to you. I didn’t deliberately give it to me for my personal life. I paid 10 million won for child support by receiving the pre-paid for the performance I received for my personal life,” explained Kim.

Lastly, “It is natural to be fingered for wrongdoing because of being a certified person. Even though the reality is difficult and overwhelming, children are not responsible for it, and they are forced to laugh each day for a month. However, because they are human, they can make mistakes or mistakes. He emphasized that there is a generous whipping sometimes fiercely and watching. I will change. I am changing.”

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