Kim Dong-hyun, Julien Kang mentions remarks on the ranks of the entertainment industry… “I couldn’t sleep”

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Kim Dong-hyun, a mixed martial arts player and professional entertainer, appears in’Radio Star’ and confesses why he couldn’t sleep after Julian Kang mentioned the fighting rank in the entertainment industry. In addition,’fighter expert’ Kim Dong-hyun summarizes the top 4 fights in the entertainment industry that he thinks. It arouses curiosity whether or not the Julien River is included in the ranking he chose.

MBC’Radio Star’ (Planning Kang Young-sun / Director Kang Seong-ah), broadcast at 10:20 pm on the 10th, will be decorated with a special feature of’Entertainment Athletes’ with four members Kim Dong-hyeon, Mo Tae-beom, Lee Hyeong-taek, and Yoon Seok-min, who are evolving from sports players to entertainment players. .

Kim Dong-hyun is the first Korean player to advance to the UFC in the U.S. and is the protagonist of the UFC’s most successful Koreans. Recently, she appeared on various entertainment programs, boasting a raw reaction that makes her laugh out loud even if she does not try to be laughed by force, and has been reborn from a fighter to a professional entertainer.

Kim Dong-hyun, who won the excellence award at the SBS Entertainment Awards ceremony last year, was thrilled in the recent recording of’Radio Star’, saying, “I haven’t been a champion for 20 years as a martial artist.”

Kim Dong-hyun is proud of her’no filter talk’ and pure reaction, but she revealed that her heart and attitude toward performing arts are sincere. He said that he still uses the habit of taking notes when he was a player, and that when someone says something that gives strength or touches, he writes it down on his mobile phone and takes it out. Following that, Kim Dong-hyunpyo’s’Entertainment White Paper’ made me curious about the contents, saying that the comments of fellow entertainers and production crew such as Shin Dong-yup and Park Na-rae were recorded.

Above all, Kim Dong-hyun said, “I asked if he could beat the Julian River,” and tells the reason why he couldn’t sleep because of the aftermath of the’entertainment fight order’ that Julien Kang appeared in’Radio Star’ and launched.

In addition, Kim Dong-hyun, like a’Fight’ expert, chose the top 4’entertainment fight ranks’ he thinks by looking at his actual experience and so on. It amplifies curiosity about whether there is the Julien River in his ranking and how different it is from the previous ranking. In addition, Kim Dong-hyun raises anticipation by saying that he has devastated the scene with his bluff and worry-filled personal skills that are 100% conscious of the Julian River.

He also revealed his black history as a player. Kim Dong-hyun, who is “I don’t understand English,” told an anecdote that he was ridiculed after giving an unknown propaganda to his opponent before the game. In addition, after revealing his true intentions, saying, “I once wanted to be appropriately beaten and lost, I think like that even during a game”, it is said that Hyunta (reality awareness time) paused as if he had come and burst everyone’s bread, making him curious about his performance.

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