Kim Dong-hee’s warning… Legal action for alleged abuse

Donghee Kim/Photo = Hankyung DB

Donghee Kim/Photo = Hankyung DB

Actor Kim Dong-hee (22), who has become a culprit by the public due to the suspicion of ‘Happy’, announced on the 23rd that he will take legal action through a law firm.

Doowoo, a law firm, said, “Civil and criminal legal action will be initiated this week for false Internet postings related to actor Kim Dong-hee.”

He then emphasized that “the related truth will be clarified by the investigative agency and the court.”

On the 21st, Kim Dong-hee’s suspicion of school abuse was publicized through the online community. The author claimed that Kim Dong-hee cursed and beat his friends while in elementary and junior high school, especially mocking and harassing juniors with disabilities.

The agency said on the 22nd that the allegation was “false.”

According to the official position, the article was first published in 2018. The official said, “As a result of confirming the facts with myself and the school officials at the time, there was nothing related to school abuse.”

After that, the netizens, who explained that they were not victims, deleted the article, and the agency did not take legal action anymore.

The agency emphasized, “We will do our best to prevent the actor from being unfairly damaged by things that are not true.”

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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