Kim Bong-jin donates half of Park Young-sun’s property… Great and proud

Kim Bong-jin donates more than half of his assets through’The Giving Pledge’
Young-sun Park “Preparing the foundation for protocol economic practice”

Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon and Chairman Kim Bong-jin of the Elegant Brothers invite each other to take a seat at the'Realization of Protocol Economy through Win-Win Cooperation' held at Baemin Academy in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of January 18.  Photo = News 1

Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon and Chairman Kim Bong-jin of the Elegant Brothers invite each other to take a seat at the’Realization of Protocol Economy through Win-Win Cooperation’ held at Baemin Academy in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of January 18. Photo = News 1

Park Young-sun, a preliminary candidate for the Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, announced that it was “very great” to the donation decision of the chairman of the elegant brothers Kim Bong-jin, the founder of the delivery app (operation program)’The People of Delivery’.

Preliminary candidate Park Young-sun wrote on his Facebook page, saying, “Chairman Kim’s donation of property is to lay the foundation for the maximum possible protocol economic practice in our society.”

He said, “Since the end of last year, Chairman Kim Bong-jin has been thinking about contributing to society,” he said. “As I discussed how to donate stocks to settle the protocol economy that I had argued, I decided to find another way because the law was not yet complete.” .

Meanwhile, Park Young-seon said, “But finally, I have declared that I will donate half of my assets. I am proud. I did a good job.”

Kim Bong-jin (45), the founder of the nation's No. 1 delivery app,'Baedal Peoples', chairman of the elegant brothers, returns more than half of his fortune to society.  The graceful brothers announced on the 18th that Chairman Kim was registered as the 219th donor of the world-renowned donation club “The Giving Pledge.” The photo shows Chairman Kim’s pledge posted on The Giving Pledge. Photo = Provided by Elegant Brothers

Kim Bong-jin (45), the founder of the nation’s No. 1 delivery app,’Baedal Peoples’, chairman of the elegant brothers, returns more than half of his fortune to society. The graceful brothers announced on the 18th that Chairman Kim was registered as the 219th donor of the world-renowned donation club “The Giving Pledge.” The photo shows Chairman Kim’s pledge posted on The Giving Pledge. Photo = Provided by Elegant Brothers

On this day, Chairman Kim Bong-jin announced that he had decided to give back more than half of his wealth to society through the world-class donation club’The Giving Pledge’.

The Giving Pledge is a charitable organization founded in 2010 by Warren Buffett, Chairman of Buckshire Hathaway and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. The target of subscription is those who have assets of over $1 billion (KRW 1 trillion).

Including the value of DH shares received by the people of Delivery to German Delivery Hero (DH), the total assets of Chairman Kim are estimated to reach 1 trillion won. If it is more than half of this, it means that more than 500 billion won will be donated.

Preliminary candidate Park Young-sun made a relationship with Chairman Kim Bong-jin when he was the Minister of SMEs and Startups.

Preliminary candidates Park Young-seon addressed Chairman Kim Bong-jin in January, saying, “Uncommon in the startup industry with many prestigious colleges,’soil spoon’,’governmental high school graduate’,’professional college graduate’, who overcame their first business failures and created graceful start-up brothers who made their own It has been evaluated as an entrepreneur and manager who has grown into a unicorn with an enterprise value of 4 trillion won in 10 years.”

Kim Soo-hyun, reporter of [email protected]

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