KIA Williams director Yang Hyeon-jong, who returned to his daily routine, plan B?[SS 시선집중]

Matt Williams
KIA Williams coach is released from self-isolation as early as the afternoon of the 21st and begins full-scale preparations for the season. Reporter Choi Seung-seop [email protected]

[스포츠서울 장강훈기자] Ace’s gaze is on her dream. The board should be made with the possibility of churn in mind. There are ten days left, but I can’t wait blindly. KIA coach Matt Williams, who has escaped from self-isolation, is interested in whether to operate the starting line plan B.

KIA confirmed Yang’s determination to advance into the major leagues, and decided to postpone the renegotiation of the free agent contract until the 30th. If only 40-person roasters are guaranteed, the situation may change rapidly because they are in a position to challenge. Since there is a place to return only from Yang Hyun-jong’s point of view, there is room for her dream of gaining experience on the big stage. However, if Yang Hyun-jong leaves, the club suffers a big blow to the starting line. There is a burden to make a stable native 3 selection system into practice.

[포토]Ki-young Lim, a KIA selection that fights back
Lim Ki-young (left) and Lee Min-woo, who should play the role of KIA starting pitchers again this year. Reporter Park Jin-up, Reporter Choi Seung-seop [email protected]

It is not without resources. When Aaron Brooks and Daniel Mengden form a one-two punch, Lee Min-woo, who played an active part last year, will enter the rotation. Lee Min-woo learned a big lesson from his failures last year, and Lim Ki-young raised a sense of responsibility by raising a family. If there are no unexpected variables such as injuries, they will be responsible for the rotation.

Young pitchers compete for the remaining one. Kim Hyun-soo, who brought Jang Hyun-sik, who was recruited by a trade last year, as Ahn Chi-hong’s reward player, and Park Gun-woo, a college graduate (Korea University) this year, will compete as right-handed pitchers. The left is compressed with Kim Yu-shin, who joined after completing military service, and Lee Eui-ri, a first-time high school graduate (Gwangju Il High School) rookie. Jang Hyun-sik, Kim Hyun-soo, and Park Gun-woo all throw a fast ball in the mid-to-late 140 km. Jang Hyun-sik’s strength is that he has a lot of experience, and Kim Hyun-soo has a good pitch. Even though he is a rookie, Park Gun-woo, who has experienced the adult stage, is evaluated for his smooth pitching form and good game management ability. The key is whether all three can withstand 5 innings.

Lee Eui-ri 1-horz
The young pitchers who have to compete in the spring camp this year. From left, Eui-ri Lee, Hyunsik Jang, Yooshin Kim, Hyunsoo Kim, and Geonwoo Park. Reporter Park Jin-up, reporter Kim Do-hoon, reporter Choi Seung-seop [email protected] Provided by KIA Tigers

Given the assortment of starting positions, a left-handed pitcher is needed. Kim Yu-shin, who performed an elbow ligament joint surgery after finishing the Futures League in 2019, is the first to be counted. KIA general manager Jo Gye-hyun praised him as a typical starting pitcher, saying, “A pitcher who knows how to throw the ball.” The key is whether the restraint recovery and whether the curve can be used as a deciding ball is the key, but it is clear that they are receiving great expectations. Lee Eui-ri, who made an impressive pitch with a fast ball of 149 km on the high school stage, is also regarded as a leader in the so-called 1st nomination black history liquidation. If they are competitive, the KIA selection rotation can also be less worrying.

Just by name, Achilles is that there are no proven pitchers. It’s also a task for coach Williams to tackle. Coach Williams also silently included Lee Min-woo and Lim Ki-young in the rotation last year, and gave Kim Ki-hoon and other young pitchers an opportunity to gain experience. Once a position is decided, the player himself fights the limits and pushes them until they win or lose. When the five 5th starting candidates enter the track, KIA will have 7 starting pitchers, excluding Hyunjong Yang. If Hyunjong Yang remains, it could be even more fierce because 7 people compete for the 4th and 5th starting positions.

Hyunjong Yang
KIA Yang Hyeon-jong is staring at the ground. Reporter Dohoon Kim [email protected]

On the 21st, coach Williams received a negative test from the corona test, completed self-isolation, and returned to work on the 22nd. Only 10 days left until the start of the spring camp. Interest is focused on what form the selection rotation plan B will be completed according to Yang Hyeon-jong’s move.
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