Kia Motors concludes this year’s agreement with the industry, passing only Renault Samsung

Kia Motors concludes a contract agreement with the industry this year… Pass over only Renault Samsung

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Jang Hana Reporter Kwon Hee-won = Kia Motors[000270]As the provisional agreement for wage and collective bargaining was concluded this year, the automakers except Renault Samsung Motors completed the wage and collective bargaining this year.
The labor and management of Renault Samsung Motors, who have been walking for three months, are expected to resume main negotiations in January of next year, so they are expected to experience labor for the time being in the new year.
According to industry sources on the 29th, the Kia Motors union voted for and against the provisional agreement for labor-management labor union agreements on the same day, and as a result, both wages (58.6%) and collective agreements (55.8%) voted with a majority vote.
The provisional agreement included the freezing of the basic salary, the payment of 150% of management incentives, the special encouragement of Corona, 1.2 million won, and 1.5 million won of traditional market gift certificates. It is a wage freeze in 11 years since the 2009 financial crisis.

‘Restoration of 30 minutes of overtime’, the biggest issue, is Hyundai Motor Company[005380]It was virtually restored at the same level as 25 minutes of overtime work, and in the case of extending the retirement age, the existing veteran program was expanded and reorganized so that retirees can contribute to the company’s growth even after retirement.
The labor and management of Kia Motors is scheduled to hold a signing ceremony for a partnership at the Sohari Plant on the 30th.
Prior to this, GM Korea concluded negotiations by signing a collective bargaining agreement on the 21st after five months of labor-management conflict.
On July 22, the labor and management of GM Korea held a total of 26 negotiations, starting on July 22, and a provisional agreement was drawn on the 10th, including an incentive wage of 4 million won and plans to improve production investment and domestic sales. This is the second provisional agreement that was originally drawn up on the 25th of last month by adding the contents of immediate lump sum payment of encouragement money through additional negotiations after the votes for and against the members were rejected.

Hyundai Motor, the eldest of the industry, reached a wage bargaining agreement earlier this year in late September. As a result of the two consecutive years of no dispute settlement following last year, the labor-management agreement includes a freeze of basic wages and 150% incentives, 1.2 million won in encouragement over the corona crisis, 10 shares of employee stocks (shares), and 200,000 won of traditional market gift certificates to revitalize the local economy. done.
Hyundai Motor’s wage freeze in 11 years is the third time since the 1997 financial crisis and the 2009 global financial crisis. It is interpreted as considering employment stability and public opinion amid changes in the industrial environment such as the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) crisis and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Ssangyong Motor suffers from business difficulties[003620] Prior to this, the labor and management ended the labor negotiations in April. This is the result of the shared recognition between labor and management that stable labor-management relations are important for normalization of business and job security.
Lee Hang-gu, a research fellow at the Korea Automobile Research Institute, said, “Hyundai Motors immediately agreed and Kia Motors decided to freeze the basic salary after 11 years. This year, compared to last year, the wage negotiations passed smoothly.”
However, Renault Samsung Motors is the only one among five domestic automakers to pass the year without completing the agreement within this year.
Renault Samsung Motors announced on the 22nd that it could proceed with the main negotiations, including a business status briefing in the first week of January next year. Renault Samsung Motors’ negotiations for this year have been stalemate after the 6th working-level negotiations in September.
Accordingly, it is known that the Renault-Samsung union will hold a vote for or against the industrial action in the early days before negotiations resume. The union has secured the right to dispute in accordance with the decision of the Central Labor Committee to suspend dispute mediation on October 16th.
If you win a majority of the votes in favor of the strike, it seems that you are trying to gain an advantage in negotiations with the management with this card.

Labor union chairman Park Jong-gyu, who is a hard-liner, succeeded in reappointing last month, and has been anticipating a hard-line struggle, such as opposing the management’s promotion of the sale of maintenance branches. Accordingly, even if negotiations resume, labor is expected to continue for the time being.
Although the negotiations for the finished car industry this year, excluding Renault Samsung Motors, were virtually ended, losses due to partial strikes amid the corona crisis were also considerable.
The Kia Motors union has been on a partial strike for four weeks since the 25th of last month. It is reported that the Kia Motors union’s strike has been for nine consecutive years since 2011, and production disruption due to this partial strike has reached 47,000 units.
In the case of GM Korea, the union held a partial strike for a total of 15 days during the negotiation process, resulting in a loss of 25,000 units of production, a disruption in the supply of exports and a decrease in sales volume.
In the process, the rumors of withdrawal, which had followed GM Korea like a tag, were raised again. GM headquarters in the US issued a strong warning, even mentioning the possibility of withdrawal from the Korean market.
Man-gi Chung, head of the Korea Automobile Industry Association, said, “It is regrettable that some unions did not cooperate in a difficult situation due to the corona and showed a small group egoism by striking and other industrial activities.”
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