‘Ki Sung-yong suspicion of sexual violence’ counterattack on the exposer… “Securing clear evidence”

While Ki Sung-yong, a former national football player, strongly insisted on his innocence in relation to the recent suspicion of sexual violence, those who exposed the suspicion for the first time continued to fight the truth, saying, “The evidence is sufficient and clear.” He changed his position of “I want to stop the workshop now” in one day.

Reporter Lee Jung-chan’s report.


Attorney Park Ji-hoon, the legal representative of the revelation party, released a press release again today (26th) and repeatedly asserted that “It is true that Ki Sung-yong committed sexual violence.”

“We have enough clear evidence,” he said, leaving open possibilities for disclosure.

Attorney Park said in a call with SBS that “Ki Seong-yong’s side has secured a transcript of the phone call containing the circumstances that they tried to lodge the exposer.”

[박지훈/폭로자 측 법률대리인 : 증거를 갖고 있습니다. 기성용 측 사람이 B 씨 하고 대화한 게 70통, 되더라고요.]

Earlier, two days ago, soccer players A and B claimed that they were sexually assaulted by two seniors a year, including a star player from the national team in elementary school, but Ki Sung-yong, who was accused of being the perpetrator, through his social media and management company. After claiming innocence and taking a hard-line response, I changed my position, saying,’I want to stop the truth battles’ within a day.

[박지훈/폭로자 측 법률대리인 (어제저녁) : ‘(A와 B 씨가) 여기서 멈춰야겠다.’ 그런 거죠. 축구계에서 왕따 당하는 게 가장 두려운 거니까.]

But overnight, he reversed his position again and emphasized,’I wish the perpetrators a sincere apology.’

[박지훈/폭로자 측 법률대리인 : (가해자 측에서) 압박하니까 거기 못 이겨서 그렇게 하려고 했던 건데 지금 상황이 그럴 상황이 아니고.]

On the other hand, he acknowledged the facts and sincerely apologize to the victims for the allegations that the revelators were perpetrators of school violence in junior high school years, but drew a line that it was not the essence of the case.
