KBO President Ji-Taek Ji-Taek I will make a vital league

Jung Ji-taek, KBO President

“(If it damages the spirit of sports), it is the most important to enforce the principle of the one-beol-baek-gye (一罰百戒) and personal punishment (信賞必罰). We will adhere to it by imposing as strict sanctions as possible within the limits set by the rules of the Korean Baseball Commission (KBO).”

KBO’s new president Ji-taek Ji-taek (pictured) said this after an inauguration ceremony at the Korean Baseball Center in Dogok-dong, Seoul on the 5th. This is a question about the inappropriate behavior of the management of Kiwoom Heroes recently raised. Governor Jung said, “KBO and 10 clubs are practicing sports spirit with a high moral spirit, but there are cases where some problems arise.”

President Jung, who will lead Korean professional baseball for the next three years, emphasized, “I will breathe with my fans and create a vital league in order to turn the current crisis into an opportunity.” Governor Jung cited response to Corona 19, improving performance, establishing and implementing strategies to win the Tokyo Olympics, and improving the profits of leagues and clubs as the four major tasks to be resolved during his tenure.

Governor Jung said, “We will promote various profitable businesses based on online platforms to increase the profitability of the league.” Regarding the integrated marketing of 10 clubs, he said, “It is difficult to unify because each club has different interests. Above all, the clubs should actively work to improve profitability by themselves.”

Jeong, who was unanimously elected at the KBO owner’s general meeting on the 14th of last month, has served as a public official for 25 years after passing the administrative examination (17 times), serving as director of the Economic Planning Board and the Statistical Research Bureau at the National Statistical Office. After completing his public service, he was recognized for his abilities as a manager through key positions at Doosan Group, including President of Doosan E&C and Vice Chairman of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction. It is known that he has been in charge of acting as the Doosan Bears owner (2007-2018) for over 10 years and is also bright in the baseball world.

Reporter Jo Hee-chan [email protected]

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