KBO League changes rules to fit international rules ahead of the Tokyo Olympics

Changed the center foot position when pitching the pitcher, and the foul tip hitting out decision

Changed the definition of terms for’tag’ and’touch’

Added phrase that treats all defenders defending Home as’catchers’

Official ball at the time of the 2018 Asian Games
Official ball at the time of the 2018 Asian Games

[연합뉴스 자료 사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Shin Chang-yong = The KBO League of Korean professional baseball ahead of the Tokyo Olympics has decided to reflect the changes in the official baseball rules of the World Baseball Softball Federation (WBSC).

The biggest change, according to the KBO on the 28th, was to allow the pitcher to touch only a portion of the center foot instead of placing all of the center foot on the pitching plate during the wind-up and set positions.

These changes were applied to the official baseball rule ‘5.07(a) regular pitching (1) wind-up position (2) set position’.

The definition of foul tips has also changed. ‘Foul tip’, a term used in the existing official baseball rules, was recognized only when the foul tip hit by the batter hits the catcher’s hand or mitt and catches it before it hits the ground.

However, the rules have been changed to admit the foul-tipped ball if it hits the catcher’s body or equipment and catches the ball before it hits the ground.

The judgment on out of the defense was also materialized.

Previously, if a third out was declared due to a runner’s defensive obstruction due to a foul hit by a batter, it is determined that the batter has finished at bat by allowing the batter hitting the foul to emerge as the lead batter in the next inning. I did it.

In addition, if a bat boy or a ball boy pushes or kicks the ball, regardless of intentionality, it is decided not to judge it as interference when it is determined that it is not intentional.

The revised rules were applied to the official baseball rules ‘6.01(a) Interference by Batter or Runner (11)’ and ‘6.01(d) Unintended Interference’, respectively.

The definition of’tag’ and’touch’, the terms used in the official baseball rules, was also specified so that necklaces and bracelets worn by players were not considered part of the player’s body.

Therefore, if the defender tags the runner’s ornament or the pitcher’s pitched ball hits the batter’s ornament, it will not be recognized as a ball that matches the tag and body, respectively.

In the official baseball rule ‘6.01(i) Collision on the Home Plate (2)’, the phrase’the catcher applies equally to all beasts defending the groove’ was added. Made it possible.

Seoul Jamsil Stadium
Seoul Jamsil Stadium

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

No appeal can be made against the judge’s decision. As the WBSC changed the rules not to allow any complaints against the referee’s decision or the referee’s finances, the official baseball rule ‘7.04 Complaint Match’ was also changed to not be able to complain. Contents related to the contested competition included in other provisions were also deleted to reflect this.

In addition, pitchers were not allowed to wear undershirts with sleeves in white or gray colors that could interfere with the batter’s view.

Changes to the regulations on prohibiting the wearing of stadium uniforms for coaches, coaches, and players who are suspended from play, as well as changes to places where they are prohibited from entering the stadium were also reflected in the official baseball rules.

KBO said, “The introduction of the changed rules in the KBO league is expected to minimize confusion of the squad that may occur at the international competition site ahead of the Tokyo Olympics.” “The changed rules will be applied from the 2021 KBO demonstration game.”

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