KBO KT sovereignty annual salary adjustment committee composition completed

KBO, KT-Sovereignty annual salary adjustment committee composition completed

[엑스포츠뉴스 조은혜 기자] KBO has completed the formation of the annual salary adjustment committee for KT Wiz and sovereignty, which will be held on the 25th.

KBO established the criteria for selecting mediators to strengthen fairness and neutrality of the mediation committee and to make rational decisions.

The mediation committee is a judge with experience in mediation or arbitration, a prosecutor, a lawyer who has served for more than 5 years, a person with a high understanding of the operating system of a sports club, or a person from academia related to sports. Composed of.

The coordinator included one person each recommended by the player and the club.

In addition to the criteria for the selection of mediators, KBO has also established objective judgment criteria for mediation. The coordination committee should consider the contribution of the player in the previous season, the duration and continuity of the player’s contribution, the official awards based on the player’s performance, the recent performance of the club, and the player’s past salary and the annual salary level of the players of the same class. did.

However, in the mediation, opinions or evaluation data of the media that may involve the financial situation or supervision of the club or players, the conditions discussed by the club and players before the meeting of the mediation committee, expenses to the representatives or attorneys of both sides, and the players or professions of other sports Salaries, etc., were not allowed to be the basis for judgment.

In addition, the team and players (or authorized representatives) could present and explain the evidence submitted in person.

KBO said,’We plan to make up for incomplete parts related to the operation of the mediation committee, such as the criteria for selection and judgment of mediators in the future, and clarify in the regulations.’

[email protected] / Photo = X-Sports News DB

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