KBO, Chairman Heomin Kiwoom Heroes suspended for 2 months… Severe warning on’fan inspection suspicion’

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kim Yong-seok = KBO took a two-month suspension of work to Chairman Heo Min of Kiwoom Heroes and a severe warning to Kiwoom Heroes.

The Korean Baseball Committee (KBO) held a reward and punishment committee in the KBO conference room on the 22nd and deliberated on the acts of damage to the dignity of Kiwoom Heroes club, Shin Dong-soo (Samsung), and Ryu Jae-guk (former LG).

KBO imposed a two-month suspension on Kiwoom Heroes Chairman Heo Min. [사진= 뉴스핌 DB]

At the end of last November, Taek-geun Lee submitted a request for disciplinary action to the club and officials regarding the CCTV viewing of Kiwoom Heroes, the former club, and the KBO Investigation Committee conducted an investigation in this regard. The Reward and Penalty Committee comprehensively reviewed the results of the investigation and related data such as the position of players and clubs to deliberate on sanctions, and KBO governor Jung Un-chan made a final decision on the 28th.

The Reward and Penalty Committee reserves the judgment on whether Kiwoom Heroes’s CCTV viewing-related activities are in violation of the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws, so it is a matter that requires a judicial decision. Accordingly, it was decided to deliberate on sanctions.

However, in accordance with Article 151 of the Baseball Regulations,’Damage Damage’, Kiwoom Heroes Club and Director Kim Chi-hyun were judged to have damaged the dignity of the league outside of the game by committing misleading acts as violation of the law. Severe warning measures were taken and the recurrence of similar cases was urged.

In particular, Chairman Heo Min of Kiwoom Heroes, who was controversial for activities outside of the official training of the club such as catch ball and batting practice with players, was improperly and unnecessary as the chairman of the board of directors. Judging that it was an act, according to Article 151 of the Baseball Regulations,’Act of Damage to Dignity’ and Article 1 of the Addendum,’Special Cases concerning the Authority of the Governor’, a two-month sanction was imposed and urged to prevent recurrence.

Governor Jung Un-chan judged that this issue of Kiwoom Heroes was an act that disrupted the order of the league, such as abandoning the obligation of professional sports that the club should consider fans as the top priority, and destroying the basic trust relationship between the club and players. In addition, through the results of the reward and punishment committee in March, it was declared that Kiwoom Heroes will respond strongly within the limits set by the KBO rules in the event of a serious issue that damages the value of the league in the future.

The Reward and Penalty Committee also deliberated on Shin Dong-soo and Ryu Empire in the act of damaging the dignity caused by SNS.

In accordance with Article 151 of the Baseball Code,’Damage Damage’, a sanction of 5 million won was imposed on Dongsoo Shin, who caused social controversy by posting inappropriate posts on social media. In addition, Samsung Brass Jae, Kim Kyung-min, Yang Woo-hyun, and Hanwha Nam Ji-min who posted inappropriate comments on the post were sanctioned with a sanction of 2 million won and Doosan Choi Jong-in with a severe warning.

In 2019, when his personal life was disclosed through social media, and controversy over immoral behavior, Ryu was suspended from 50 games and imposed a sanction of 5 million won. The Reward and Penalty Committee sanctioned the same as the judicial authorities recently ruled on related matters.

The current retired player status, Ryu Je-guk, is subject to sanctions if he later returns to the KBO league as a player or leader.

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