KB Finance, selected as a Bloomberg gender equality index company for 3 consecutive years

KB Kookmin Bank New Building

▲ New building of KB Kookmin Bank.

[에너지경제신문 송두리 기자] KB Financial Group was selected as a ‘2021 Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI)’ company for the third consecutive year.

GEI is an index released by Bloomberg to inform investors about the status of ESG (environmental, social, governance) management of companies. It is investigating companies listed on the US stock exchange with a market capitalization of over $1 billion. Gender equality policies and efforts are evaluated in five categories: female leadership and talent development, equal pay and gender equality, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policy, and female-friendly brands.

According to KB Finance on the 28th, 380 companies from 44 countries were selected for this year’s 2021 Bloomberg gender equality index. Including KB Financial, many global companies such as Goldman Sachs, S&P, and Bank of America were included.

KB Financial is the first Korean financial holding company to have two female outside directors on the board of directors, and is rapidly promoting the group-level ESG management practices, including gender equality, led by the ESG Committee. As an official support organization of the’Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)’, it is steadily expanding the spread of gender equality culture through customized training for fostering female talent and middleing female talent.

It operates specialized training courses for female talent, such as’WE (Womans Empowerment) STAR Mentoring’, a program to strengthen group women’s leadership,’KB In-house University Dream Campus’ of KB Insurance, and’Value-up Course’ of KB Securities. In addition, practical efforts are being made, such as expanding female executives and establishing the principle of ‘20% (department manager), 30% (team leader), 40% (team member)’, the proportion of female employees in the headquarters centered on KB Kookmin Bank.

A KB Financial official said, “The incorporation of the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for the third consecutive year has been recognized as a result of KB Financial’s active ESG management efforts.” I will do my best to make it firmly rooted.”

Reporter Song Doo-ri [email protected]
