Kang So-hui, GS Caltex, the leading role in reversing the atmosphere… “I will pass on the remaining games”

After returning from injury… “I’ll run like a bad guy and wear the championship ring”

GS Caltex Kang So-Hwi
GS Caltex Kang So-Hwi

GS Caltex left striker Kang So-hui is delighted after scoring a score in a home game against Korea Expressway Corporation in the Women’s V-League in the professional volleyball team held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on the 21st. [한국배구연맹 제공. 재배포 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Gyeong-yoon = GS Caltex, the women’s team in professional volleyball, was disrupted by the successive injuries of the main players last month.

On the 15th of last month, Suji Han from the Joojeon Center was diagnosed with a rupture of the anterior tibialis tendon of her left ankle and climbed to the operating table.

On the 23rd, left striker Kang So-hui fell out of power with a sprained right ankle.

GS Caltex, which had three players in a row in a week, became sharply upset.

It seemed to be far from winning by losing successively in the Heungkuk Life Fair on the 26th of last month and the IBK Industrial Bank on the 29th.

However, GS Caltex revived from Heungkuk Lifetime War on the 5th of this month when Kang So-hui returned.

In recent five games, he recorded 4 wins and 1 loss, pursuing the first place Heungkuk Life Insurance with 3 points.

The leading role of the uptrend was definitely Kang So-hui. After returning, he scored double digits in all matches.

Kang So-hui especially flew in Gyeonggi with Korea Expressway Corporation, which he met one after another on the 17th and 21st.

In the game on the 17th, he scored 60.00% of the attack success rate and scored the second highest score among domestic players with 14 points, and in the game on the 21st, he recorded 29 points, the highest individual score.

The attack success rate reached 60.87%.

It was the highest score and highest attack success rate of both teams.

He led the team atmosphere with a cool attack at each match.

It brought the atmosphere of the game by scoring 3 consecutive points in the 4th set 17-17. It was literally watery.

GS Caltex coach Cha Sang-hyun praised “Kang So-hui is a player who demonstrates 100% of his skills as long as the setter launches the ball properly.”

Kang So-hui, who met after the game on the 21st, expressed his feelings that he seems to be showing a good shape thanks to his colleagues.

He said, “I definitely feel better than before, but the setter believes in me and puts the ball up and scores a lot.”

He said, “To win the regular league, I think I will have to win all the remaining matches. I will play like a bad guy to the end and wear the championship ring.”

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