Kang-rip Kim, head of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, “You can trust the AstraZeneca vaccine.”

Minister of Food and Drug Safety Kim Kang-rip showed strong confidence in AstraZeneca’s Corona 19 vaccine on the 17th.

Kim, who attended the work report of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee, said, “We thoroughly verified the safety” regarding the AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccine.

Director Kim said that although the approval for the vaccine was quickly granted, he did his best for thorough verification, such as a preliminary screening system in which data available in advance were prepared first, and’triple consultation’ using experts.

When a member of the Democratic Party of Kang Hospital asked, “Is it possible for the people to trust and get the AstraZeneca vaccine?” Director Kim replied, “Yes.”

AstraZeneca’s Corona 19 vaccine applied for product permission on the 4th of last month, approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety on the 10th, and finally completed the national shipment approval procedure in which the health authorities check the quality before being marketed on the 17th.

On the 18th, the government plans to conduct simulation training in preparation for the introduction and supply of the vaccine.

The inspection is carried out from the SK Bioscience Andong plant, a domestic manufacturing plant, to the supply, storage, distribution, and vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained, “In mock training, training in preparation for various situations that may occur during the vaccine transport process is also conducted.”

AstraZeneca vaccination, which has completed the simulation training, is expected to begin on the 26th for residents and workers in nursing hospitals and facilities under the age of 65.

Kim Kang-rip, head of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, who attended the plenary meeting of the Health and Welfare Committee held at the National Assembly on the 17th, is locked in thought.[사진=연합뉴스]

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