Kakwang “Jin Yong-jin, exploiting women” vs. Jin Yong-jin “that woman, stalker”

[이데일리 김소정 기자] Jin Yong-jin, a popular YouTuber with 2.09 million subscribers, was engulfed in a private controversy.

(From left) Jin Yong-jin, Kagwang (Photo = Jin Yong-jin Youtube, Kagwang Youtube)

On the 24th, YouTuber Ka Kwang uploaded a video titled’The Reality of Jin Yong-jin’ on his YouTube channel.

Kagwang said, “Today, I will look into the exploitation of women and gas lighting that Jin Yong-jin did. The victim directly reported it.”

The released video contained phone transcripts of Jin Yong-jin and a woman. Jin Yong-jin said, “The class is different from my sister. But don’t think it’s the same level.”

“Jin Yong-jin and this woman first met in the fourth quarter of 2018. At the time, Jin Yong-jin wasn’t popular, and he worked as a YouTube editor. He asked the victim to borrow 10 million won. The woman who was likable to Jin Yong-jin gave a gift and even helped film the video. In addition, I have had sex with Jin Yong-jin countless times.”

He added, “When a woman who wanted to clarify the relationship between the two asked Jin Yong-jin,’When are we dating?’, he put it off to wait until September 2020.”

In response, Jin Yong-jin announced his position through his YouTube. “First of all, I express my serious regret to the YouTuber and the woman (Mr. A) who are making controversy with the story full of malicious and lies without checking the exact facts,” he said.

“I have never had a relationship with Mr. A, and I have never had any sexual relationship, including sleeping,” he said.

“I met Mr. A for the first time through a photo shoot, and after a sudden confession, he repeatedly made courtship and threats, such as requesting contact, stalking, and sending knife pictures for more than a year. It was a personal matter, so I tried to solve it well, but in the end, I failed and struggled, but finally with the help of my agency, I sent a proof of the contents in July of last year and changed the number, so I finally got out of the relationship with Mr. A.”

Regarding the borrowing of 10 million won, “A was receiving government funding education at the time, and fearing that the support would be cut off if he had income, so I asked if he could receive the money he earned at the business instead of my account, and I of course refused. However, I sent 10 million won to my account, which was released during the broadcast, and it came out in the form of’Now I sent the money, but what should I do’, and I gave back the money after making a decision to inform me of the account again.”

He added, “In this process, Mr. A was malicious and computationally weak, such as not teaching an account, and asked for a meeting or kept in touch.”

Regarding the transcript of Jin Yong-jin’s swear words released by Ka Kwang, he said, “The stalking continued for more than a year and there was a big incident, so I was extremely distressed and anxious on the phone.”

“Before the call, Mr. A made a false police report that I committed suicide when I was disconnected from the call, and there was an incident such as the police breaking into the office door. I was really going crazy because I was doing and getting angry.”

Regarding the expression’the grade is different’, he explained, “It was the content that stated that the effort and energy put into my channel contents were different from (A’s contents and YouTube).”

In addition, Jin Yong-jin said, “In the case of those who have spread articles and spread malicious stories related to Mr. A and Kagwang, we will proceed with legal action today regarding stalking and defamation, respectively. I think the facts, etc. will be revealed in detail later in the court.”

Meanwhile, Jin Yong-jin produced YouTube content that applied the rules of the webtoon’Money Game’ by artist Bae Jin-soo. Episode 1 will be released on the 30th. Money Game is a game content in which 8 participants survive on the set for 14 days with 480 million won.
