Kakao VX, Golf Zone and patent infringement lawsuit’win’

Enter 2021-01-19 16:31 | Revision 2021-01-19 16:31

On the 19th, Kakao VX announced that it had won the appeal of the patent infringement suit filed by Golfzon.

On the 15th, the Patent Court overturned the ruling of the first trial and gave Kakao VX a hand in the appeal trial of a claim lawsuit against Kakao VX by Golfzon on the 15th.

The court judged that Kakao VX could not be considered to infringe the golf zone’s patent rights as it did not fall within the scope of the golf zone patent.

Earlier, Golfzone filed a patent infringement lawsuit in 2016, claiming that Kakao VX’s golf simulator infringed on Golfzone’s patented technology.

Tae-sik Moon, CEO of Kakao VX, said, “Kakao VX is a latecomer in the industry and has made a long time and effort to provide innovative technologies and services. This ruling proves the technological capabilities of Kakao VX’s screen golf service.” .

Kakao VX plans to expand its business through the technology development of’Friends Screen’ in the future.

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[자유민주·시장경제의 파수꾼 – 뉴데일리 newdaily.co.kr]
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