Kakao, should we rejuvenate with zigzag?

[이코노믹리뷰=최진홍 기자] The claim that Kakao will acquire ZigZag, a women’s clothing platform, is drawing attention on the 8th. It is evaluated that it is possible to explore various possibilities in commerce by securing a fashion category for young MZ generation women.


It is said that Kakao headquarters establishes a subsidiary and merges Zigzag with the company.

If Zigzag comes into Kakao’s arms, it is highly likely that it will act alone, rather than being merged with a specific company. The final negotiations are expected to close next week. Zigzag’s enterprise value is estimated to be around 1 trillion won.

In the industry, it seems that Kakao is making a kind of choice and concentration by challenging the relatively small zigzag acquisition after stepping out of the eBay Korea acquisition battle. This means that it is taking a relatively small zigzag after removing his feet from the big eBay Korea takeover, and taking a strategy to avoid a head-on confrontation with Naver and Coupang.

Furthermore, through zigzag, which has more than 4000 SOHO locations, it is possible to seize the opportunity to additionally establish a contact with the 1020 generation. This means that while the’aging’ issue of the entire KakaoTalk ecosystem is growing, the entire Kakao can be’rejuvenated’ in zigzag.

It seems that Zigzag’s strengthening of logistics infrastructure competitiveness, such as operating a full-filment strategy with CJ Logistics, also contributed to Kakao’s decision to take over. It is worth noting that the core foundation for commerce in the future is a strong logistics infrastructure. In that extension, ZigZag’s attempts to strengthen its logistics infrastructure could be of considerable strength to Kakao.

Zigzag is expected to be a great help in enhancing Kakao’s fundamental commerce competitiveness.

While Kakao, which is filling the commerce infrastructure based on gift-giving and Kakao makers and talk deals, is gradually expanding its scope with gifting of luxury goods, ZigZag’s MZ Women’s Generation Fashion category, which has the largest platform explosive power, energizes the entire Kakao commerce infrastructure. There is a prospect that it can infuse.
