KAI “First communication success of the next-generation medium-sized satellite 1… 2 will be launched next year”

Input 2021.03.20 13:15

Organized by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (Hang Woo-yeon) Korea Aerospace (047810)Next-generation medium-sized satellite No. 1, which KAI Co., Ltd. (KAI) participated in as a co-developer, succeeded in first communication with the base station.

According to the KAI on the 20th, the next-generation medium-sized satellite 1 plans to provide full-fledged standard video from October after an initial operation process such as communication inspection for about 6 months at an altitude of 497.8 km. It precisely observes the earth with a resolution of 0.5m in black and white and 2m in color, and is used for land and resource management and disaster/disaster response.

The KAI engineer is conducting environmental test and evaluation of the next-generation medium-sized satellite #2. /KAI provided

The next-generation medium-sized satellite development project is a project to independently develop five 500kg class medium-sized satellites 1.4m wide, 1.55m long, and 2.89m high. The first stage of developing units 1~2 and the second stage of developing units 3~5 Divide into and promote. Government agencies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Environment, Agricultural Promotion Administration, Forest Service and more than 60 domestic companies will participate in the development.

KAI supervises the development of vehicle 2 by applying the technology transferred from Hang Woo-yeon. From satellite system design to body development, manufacturing, assembly, testing and launch, it is developing, and is expected to launch in January next year. KAI explained that it is significant in that it is the first step of the private-led New Space for the first time in the domestic space industry.

The standard platform has the advantage of being able to freely mount various payloads such as optics, radar, infrared, and ultra spectrometers on the same satellite body. In addition, cost reduction is possible because test ground equipment and satellite connection signal equipment can be reused.

The next-generation medium-sized satellite phase 2 project is a project to localize and develop 3 vehicles for space science research, agricultural forestry, and water resource monitoring, using the 500 kg standard platform established as a phase 1 project. The next-generation medium-sized satellite 3 is mounted on a Korean launch vehicle to verify the launch function of the launch vehicle and is used for space science research.

The next-generation medium-sized satellite 4 will be used for periodic crop monitoring and agriculture and food security, and the vehicle 5 will be used for forest monitoring, water resource management, and post-mortem response. Next-generation medium-sized satellites 3 and 4 will be launched in 2023, and the 5 will be launched in 2025.

The 2nd 500kg class next-generation medium-sized satellite, developed by KAI. /KAI provided

KAI has completed a system for mass production, such as building the largest private space center in Korea capable of assembling six medium and large satellites at the same time in August of last year. In addition, a business agreement was signed with KAIST in the field of small satellites to expand the business area to (ultra) small satellites, and through this, it plans to establish a satellite mass production system by combining small and micro satellite technologies with medium and large satellite capabilities.

KAI aims to build an independent value chain to lead New Space starting with the vehicle development business. It plans to strengthen cooperation with research institutes with core source technologies, establish alliances with related companies with source technologies for payloads, and establish strategic partnerships with service companies that process satellite observation data.

A KAI official said, “We are consolidating related capabilities to grow into a comprehensive solution provider including the expansion of space business such as satellite manufacturing, entry into the ground station field, and satellite utilization services.” Of course, price competitiveness will be secured in overseas markets,” he said.

In addition, KAI is promoting export package deals including commercial satellites when exporting domestic aircraft. In many cases, the export markets of aircraft and satellites are the same, and it is expected that tangible results are expected within the year from export consultations, which are currently being discussed.

A KAI official said, “It is a great advantage of KAI to simultaneously promote the aviation and space business,” and “With the price competitiveness secured through the establishment of KAI’s own value chain, satellite exports will certainly succeed.” For the purpose of controlling it on the ground and processing the secured image data, if the satellite value chain is established, it is expected to create a synergy effect with the unmanned aerial vehicle.”
