K-Bio Companies Announce Research Results of New Anticancer Drugs at American Cancer Society

Introduction of preclinical results of anticancer candidates from discovery of biomarkers

Korean bio companies will successively announce the results of anticancer drug research at the American Cancer Society (AACR), which will be held online starting on the 10th of next month (local time).

AACR, which celebrates its 114th anniversary this year, is a world-class annual academic conference held in the United States.

Pharmaceutical and bio companies from more than 120 countries around the world participate to share cancer-related knowledge and clinical research.

This event will be held online in the aftermath of Corona 19, and will be held in two separate sessions from April 10th to 15th and May 17th to 21st.

In Korea, a large number of bio companies developing immune anticancer drugs such as Medfacto, AVL Bio, Pamexin, and Apta Bio will announce the preclinical results of their respective candidates.

MedFacto has the most 4 announcements ahead.

Medfacto analyzed’TBRS’, a biomarker (biomarker), to confirm the expression rate of TGF-β, a factor that inhibits the therapeutic effect of desmoid tumor, a rare carcinoma.

As a result, it was found that the expression of TBRS was high in the order of desmoid tumor and pancreatic cancer. In the case of desmoid tumor, it was confirmed that the use of a TGF-β inhibitor has a high therapeutic effect.

MedFacto also discloses the abstract of the preclinical results of a therapy that co-administers’Baekto Sertip’ and’Onibide’, a chemical anticancer drug from Servier, for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

The abstract of research results of the follow-up pipeline (BAG2·DRAK1) of Baekto Seotip will also be introduced.

K-Bio Companies Announce Research Results of New Anticancer Drugs at American Cancer Society

AVL Bio is planning to focus on the presentation of the dual antibody immuno-cancer drug technology.

We present the preclinical results of a platform that simultaneously targets tumor antigens and immune cells (Grabody-T) and an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ABL501).

Pameksin decided to introduce the preclinical results of an immune anticancer candidate (PMC-309) that attaches to’VISTA’, a kind of immune checkpoint, and works to make immune cells attack cancer cells.

It has a difference from PD-1/PD-L1 series drugs that directly target T cells in that it suppresses other immune checkpoints.

Aptabio plans to announce a phase 1 clinical design for patients with acute leukemia treatment (SJP1604), which is being developed jointly with Samjin Pharmaceutical.

In January of this year, the company received approval of the clinical trial protocol from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

/yunhap news

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