JW Choongwae Pharmaceutical, “Two times more effective than remdesivir, the treatment substance for Corona 19” Spur development of treatment

JW Pharmaceutical announced on the 30th that the candidate substance’CWP291′, which is being developed as a treatment for Corona 19, showed up to twice the efficacy of ramdesivir, which was used as an existing treatment in animal tests. CWP291 is a candidate substance originally developed by JW Pharmaceuticals as an anticancer drug, but JW Pharmaceuticals believes that there is a high possibility that this substance can be developed as a treatment for Corona 19, and related research is in progress.

According to JW Pharmaceutical, the improvement rate of lung lesions of hamsters administered CWP291 (the degree to which lung diseases caused by corona are improved) in a recent Corona 19 infection animal test (targeted for Sirian hamsters) jointly conducted with the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology was 41.3. The effect was about 2 times higher than that of the control group (24.8%) administered remdesivir at the level of %∼48.9%. In addition, it was confirmed that the improvement rate of lung lesions reached 90% when remdesivir and this drug were administered together.

It also showed excellent effects in the amount of virus remaining in the lung tissue (PCR). It was confirmed that the amount of virus in lung tissue decreased by 53% in the group receiving remdesivir and up to 88% in the group receiving CWP291 during the same period based on the infected group on the 5th day after infection with the Corona 19 virus. .

JW Pharmaceutical signed a contract to take over the right to own and use the animal model research results from the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, and based on this, it will begin further research. Since the phase 1 clinical study confirming the safety as an anticancer drug has already been completed, it is scheduled to begin phase 2 clinically.

JW Pharmaceutical is noting that unlike other therapeutic agents currently under development, the substance has not a simple anti-inflammatory action, but an antiviral effect that blocks the binding of the coronavirus to the body protein (GRP78). An official from JW Pharmaceutical said, “We are positive with the results of this study, and the possibility of development has increased,” and said, “We will fulfill the role of a pharmaceutical company to overcome Corona 19 by promoting technology export and joint research.”

In the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to JW Pharmaceutical, GC Green Cross and Daewoong Pharmaceutical are developing candidate substances for corona treatment. First, in the case of a blood system drug under development by GC Green Cross, a phase 2 clinical trial is currently underway in 12 medical institutions, and the development speed is the fastest along with Celltrion.

Daewoong Pharmaceutical is planning to apply for emergency use approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety based on the clinical results in January next year for the oral treatment’Hoystar Tablet’ being developed. In addition to the oral Hoystar tablet, the COVID-19 treatment that Daewoong Pharmaceutical is developing is also an injection type’DWRX2003 (ingredient name niclosamide)’. In addition, Chong Kun Dang, Bukwang Pharm, Shin Poong Pharm, and Dong Wha Pharm are undergoing phase 2 clinical trials.

[정지성 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
