Just like Ja-cheol Koo did 10 years ago, the first expedition in which the Gangin was twisted

Like Ja-cheol Koo 10 years ago...

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Lee Kang-in flew a long distance and experienced a humiliating defeat in the first Korea-Japan battle.

On the 25th, the Korean national soccer team lost 0-3 in the match against the Japanese national team held at Nissan Stadium in Yokohama, Japan.

Valencia’s Lee Kang-in, who was summoned for this game, was chosen as the hidden card of Paulo Bento coach on this day. Bento came out with a zero-top tactic with Lee Kang-in as the front-line striker.

However, Lee Kang-in’s zero-top tactic completely failed. Lee Kang-in was tied tightly to the combination of Maya Yoshida and Takehiro Domiyasu, which is a tall center bag combination and well-equipped with the old and the new.

Yoshida is currently playing for Serie A Sampdoria after playing Southampton in the Premier League, and Takehiro is also regarded as a notable defender in Serie A Bologna.

Bento replaced Lee Kang-in with Lee Jeong-hyup as soon as his hidden card ended in failure, but his performance did not improve in the second half, and he eventually lost it completely.

After the 0-3 defeat against Korea and Japan in Sapporo in August 2011, 10 years ago, the national team again accepted the report card of 0-3 defeat.

Lee Kang-in flew a long distance from Spain to Japan for the first time in her life, but only ran for the worst 45 minutes and broke the first button before one day.

This reminded me of Koo Ja-cheol, who played Korea-Japan war 10 years ago. At the time, Ja-cheol Koo, who received attention after transferring from K-League Jeju United to Wolfsburg, faced his first Korea-Japan match in Europe at the start of the season.

Ja-cheol Koo said on his YouTube channel that he had a 16-hour flight one way from Wolfsburg, Germany to Sapporo, Japan, and that he was very heavy and had difficulty adapting to jet lag.

Koo Ja-cheol, who wasn’t 100% in shape, played a full-time game at the time, but missed many chances and lost 0-3.

Kang-in Lee was also his first visit to Japan in Valencia, but he returned to his team without any influence and losing without income.

Just as Ja-cheol Koo succeeded in revenge against Japan in the 3rd and 4th place match at the 2012 London Olympics just one year after the Sapporo disaster in 2011, we have to hope that Kang-in Lee and other athletes will use the humiliation of the day as a motivator when they meet Japan at other competitions. none.

Like Ja-cheol Koo 10 years ago...

[email protected] / Photo = Yonhap News

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