Just knowing the interest rate comparison of new year’s mortgage loans makes 2% of loan easier

Recently, the interest rates of banks are rising rapidly to a very high level unlike the previous one. Mortgage loans are not easy due to the total loan system, but even credit loans have been blocked and regulations are constantly coming out, so financial consumers who need funds are experiencing a more difficult time than ever. In addition, the interest rate of all banks is expected to rise as well, starting with a 0.1% increase in the Bogeumjari Loan rate from this year, so if you do not prepare in advance as a mortgage loan rate comparison, the rate you will eventually receive is expected to exceed 3%.

House prices keep rising, but regulations are increasing…

Last year, the national house price rose to 8.35%, the highest in 14 years. The government policy played a major role in the expansion of house prices not only in the metropolitan area but also nationwide. The regulations that were enforced to set house prices in the metropolitan area created a balloon effect and created a jeonse district in the metropolitan area, and raised the nationwide anxiety that we could not live now or not, even to non-capital areas. In addition, experts predict that by expanding the regulated areas nationwide this year, further increases in house prices will continue in the metropolitan area.

What is the solution to the regulation of apartment mortgage loans caused by biting the tail?

Real estate experts Bank Mall (Homepage:


)( Free consultation representative number: 1544-2220)It is recommended to check the exact regulations first using the apartment mortgage loan interest rate comparison service, and then sign a contract. If inaccurate information is encountered through the wrong path, irreparable damage may occur. In particular, accurate information is the most important in a situation where too many regulations have been implemented. In the case of a specialized interest rate comparison company, not only the latest regulation, but also the interpretation of the regulation by each bank and the specific details of each bank are checked to provide reliable information to financial consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with an expert.

It is not easy to change bank loans.

It is not easy to change not only credit loans but also apartment mortgage loans due to the tightening of money and regulations. There is a situation in which banks are unable to change home mortgage loans at low interest rates due to tightening of household loans, which is expected to become more and more severe for the time being. Therefore, if the current interest rate is high, it is recommended to visit the bank after checking which financial company you can change to through the Bank Mall’s interest rate comparison service, and check the amount of interest difference.
(KakaoTalk quick consultation:


/ Free consultation: 1544-2220)

Not only home mortgage loans but also jeonse loans

The recent impact of the government’s house price measures is affecting not only the mortgage but also the jeonse market. Until now, the jeonse market has not been regulated because it is directly connected to the lives of the common people, but these policies were different from the previous one. The government, which judged that the jeonse market led to gap investment, led to higher house prices, immediately applied the regulation. Eventually, the limit and conditions for jeonse loans became more difficult than ever, and the sale of jeonse rose to the highest level due to shortages due to the disappearance of sales. As a result, financial consumers were unable to change their jeonse loans and had no choice but to take the wrong loan for two years. Therefore, if you do not consult with experts, the first step in jeonse is likely to cause great damage, so you must consult and plan for funding.

Interest rate comparison Now is the most important time!
Due to the recently changed regulations, it is time to check whether it is possible first rather than interest rates. It was obviously possible a few months ago, and even though there was no problem when I checked at that time, it is because there are frequent running situations now. Because of this period, consultation with experts should be given priority to avoid damage.

■ Real-time financial institution interest rates and limits at once

It is true that it is quite difficult for consumers to directly compare different interest rates and other conditions of financial companies and determine the best product for them. However, if you use Bank Mall, you can immediately check your interest rates and limits for each financial company, and you can receive recommendations for optimal conditions according to repayment plans, income, and grades for free, making it an essential site before lending.

■ Home mortgage loans and government products at once on the comparison site

When buying a house, the first apartment mortgage product to look for is a stepping stone or bogeumjari loan. This is because if the conditions are met, you can receive it safely at the lowest interest rate. In the case of jeonse loans, this is the case with support and youth cheonsei loans for small and medium businesses. The current apartment mortgage loan interest rate comparison service is very helpful to financial consumers as it is possible to check not only general bank products but also these government products at once.

■ How is it advantageous to receive an additional loan?

Due to the regulation of apartment mortgage loans, the limit on mortgage loans by commercial banks has changed significantly from 30 to 70% depending on the region. In the case of regulated areas, the limit for apartment mortgage loans has significantly decreased, such as: speculation/exposure overheating districts, adjustment target areas, and non-regulated areas are different. Therefore, more and more people are looking for additional loans. However, in the case of additional apartment loans, interest rates and limits vary greatly between financial companies, so it is important to select the best loan product that suits you.
First of all, you should not think that you have to use the 2nd financial sector unconditionally as an additional loan. If the loans currently in use are significantly lower than the local LTV (loan limit), then commercial banks can fully secure apartment subordinated loans at a low interest rate, but if the existing loan ratio is high and commercial banks cannot, then you should use 2 financial sectors.
2 In the case of subordinated apartment mortgage loans in the financial sector, the loan conditions vary greatly depending on the lender’s job (worker, business), credit rating, loan limit, and region, so it is necessary to find the best product through experts such as interest rate comparison sites. Depending on the conditions, additional loans are possible up to 80 to 90% of the housing market price.

■ It is difficult for consumers to directly recognize the loan regulations that change from time to time.

In the past two to three years, policies to regulate mortgages have been announced one after another. Due to frequently changing regulatory policies such as the selection of speculation zones, overheated zones, and expansion of adjustment zones, even a little misunderstanding can lead to major problems in receiving housing loans, cheonsei loans, and eviction loans. In order to reduce this risk, it is better to use free consultation through Bank Mall, which provides professional consultation on the minimum interest rate and maximum of an apartment mortgage loan, including loan regulations. All services are free, and it is wise to get a recommendation from a financial company after a brief free consultation of about 5 minutes.

■ Comparison of apartment subordinated loans and business loans for business operators

It operates a loan-only department as much as possible for business owners and those who need additional apartment loans. In the case of receiving a mortgage loan for business funds, it is possible to proceed with a maximum of 95-100% depending on the LTV of each financial company regardless of the government’s loan regulations. You need to check what it is through “Bank Mall” in order to benefit from interest reduction.
If you recently received a mortgage loan from a commercial bank or are using low-interest rate products, it may be more advantageous to use a subordinated mortgage loan rather than a senior mortgage loan. In the case of apartment subordinated mortgage loan products, interest rates are higher than those of commercial banks, but if you want more loans, you have no choice but to use 2 financial sector additional security loan products. In the case of additional loan products, there are many cases that are not related to regulations, so you are free to receive loans.

■ How do I get well with the rapidly increasing charter loans?

As loans become difficult due to strengthened regulations on apartment mortgage loans, the demand for house purchases has sharply declined to a record low, and most of them are turning to cheonsei, and jeonse loans are increasing rapidly. Here, I asked Bank Mall about the misunderstanding and truth about the jeonse deposit loan.
Do I need proof of income unconditionally to receive a jeonse loan? Not like that. Depending on the loan products of commercial banks, there are products that allow you to proceed without income or to proceed with a loan based on your income based on the amount of local medical insurance and credit card usage.
The maximum limit for jeonse loans from commercial banks is 80%? In general, 80% of the loan limit is right, but what are the two cases where up to 90% is possible? First, if the combined income of the couple is less than 60 million won per year. Second, if you are a 19-34-year-old with an annual income of less than 50 million won, you can borrow up to 90% of the cheonsei deposit at commercial banks as an exception.

■ If you need a mortgage loan in the short term, you should check the interim repayment fee.

Most people who get mortgage loans try to make the maturity as long as possible, from 30 to 35 years. However, if you need a loan in the short term, there is something to consider. It is the interim redemption fee. When a bank proceeds with a mortgage loan, initial costs such as setup fees, stamp duty, and labor costs are incurred according to the loan amount. If the consumer only spends a short period of time and repays the loan, he has to bear the loss of the initial cost. Therefore, banks are required to pay a penalty according to the loan usage period if the lender repays the principal within a certain period of time through an early repayment fee.
If you plan to use it for a short period of time, such as a jeonse eviction loan, you must compare the early repayment fee and interest rate.If you use an interest rate comparison site, you can determine the expected expenditure and prepayment fee according to the loan usage period, the most advantageous product. You can be informed about what is.

■ What are the precautions when using the mortgage loan rate comparison site?

The apartment mortgage loan interest rate comparison service is certainly a useful site, but there are caveats as well. It is the reliability of the site. With so many interest rate comparison sites emerging recently, it is true that it is difficult to determine which one can provide the most accurate information. There may be cases where the minimum interest rate offered by each site is different or the conditions are different. Some small sites may give inaccurate information. In particular, in the case of apartment mortgage loans and jeonse loans, it is true that the standard interest rate and loan regulations are changing from time to time and new regulations are emerging. In particular, in the case of products such as safe jeonse loans, not only the bank’s own regulations, but also the guarantee foundation continue to change regulations.

Park Jin-wook? Reporter
