Just in front of Pangyo Station, the NC Consortium purchased the site

▲ NCsoft’s new office building and space for software companies will be located at 641 Sampyeong-dong, Seongnam-si (Photo source: Naver Map)

An NCsoft consortium composed of NCsoft and many other companies has signed a land purchase agreement with Seongnam City. The site is currently near NCsoft’s Pangyo office building and is located across from Pangyo Station. NCsoft Global R&D Innovation Center and software companies are scheduled to reside there.

On the 30th, Seongnam City signed a written agreement with the NCsoft consortium on the sale of a 25,719m2 of municipal land in 641 Sampyeong-dong. The agreement included conditions for building a software promotion facility on the site, and the sale price was 837.7 billion won.

The NCsoft consortium consists of NCsoft, Samsung C&T, Korea Regional Administrative Mutual Aid Association, and Mirae Asset Asset Management. They plan to build a software promotion facility with a total floor area of ​​330,000,574m2, 14 stories above ground and 9 stories below ground, spending KRW 1.87 trillion.

▲ The site currently used as a temporary parking lot (photo provided by Seongnam City)

NCsoft Global R&D Innovation Center and software companies are located in the facility. In addition, a space to support startup growth and a multipurpose community space for local residents will be prepared according to the agreement. On weekends, the parking lot (800 sides) is opened, and we actively cooperate in hiring local residents.

The sold site was a site planned for the construction of a public office building at the time of Pangyo housing site development in 2009, but it was not functioning properly and is currently being used as a temporary parking lot.

Seongnam-si Asia Silicon Valley manager said, “The site of 641 Sampyeong-dong is located in the central area of ​​Pangyo Techno Valley, so it has the optimal location for the software promotion facility to be built.” Will increase.”
