Jung Woo Sung, the timeless handsome’Sculpture Merchant’ (41th Blue Dragon Film Awards) [SS쇼캠]
[스포츠서울 윤수경기자] Actor Jung Woo-sung is posing at the red carpet event of the ’41th Blue Dragon Film Awards’ held in Paradise City, Yeongjong-do, Incheon on the afternoon of the 9th. On the red carpet that was held this day, the MCs in charge of Kim Hye-soo and Youn-seok, Lee Jeong-jae, Lee Byung-hun, Kim Hee-ae, Bae Jong-ok, Shin Min-ah, Jung Woo-sung, Yoo In, Jung Yoo-mi, Lee Som, Lee Seong-min, Lee Hee-jun, Ramie-ran, Park Hae-soo, Park Jung-min, Lee Ju-young, Yoo Tae-oh, Kim So-hye, etc. Attended this.
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