Julien Kang, “I got drunk and organized chairs in convenience store…I also filmed an advertisement”

Photo = MBC'Radio Star' broadcast screen capture
Photo = MBC’Radio Star’ broadcast screen capture

[스마트경제] Kwon In-ha, Julian Kang, Park Seon-ju, and Lee Nal-chi colored Wednesday night with unusual episodes.

In MBC’s’Radio Star’, which aired on the 3rd, Kwon In-ha, Park Seon-ju, Julian Kang, Lee Nalchi Kwon Song-hee, and Shin Yu-jin appeared as guests and delivered various episodes as a special feature of unusual people.

On this day, as Kwon In-ha became famous, YouTube subscribers and views increased. “When I performed before, everyone was my age, but now more than half are fans in their 20s.”

In particular, Kwon In-ha said, “While watching my performance, my friends said,’I’ve been doing something, but seeing you, I think I have to challenge anything.'” He also told the story of becoming an icon of hope to friends of his age.

Photo = MBC'Radio Star' broadcast screen capture
Photo = MBC’Radio Star’ broadcast screen capture

“It was really alcoholic trash at that time,” said Julian Kang about the case when he was walking around the street wearing only a running shirt in the past and cleaning up the chairs. “I lost my memory enough to remember a little after the incident.”

He added, “I also filmed an advertisement for that incident. It was an advertisement for a mobile game with the Greek concept.”

When asked what was more difficult, Julian Kang, the only person who appeared on both MBC’Real Man’ and YouTube’Fake Man’, asked, “If the Korean military rules or words were too difficult for’Real Man’,’Fake Man’ suddenly swears. I had to train while doing it, and the training was really too hard,” he explained the difference.

Shin Yoo-jin of Lee Nalchi packed up an exciting board by singing Girls’ Generation’s’GEE’ in the pansori version, and Kwon Song-hee spread the R&B version of pansori to arouse surprise.

Kwon Song-hee said, “I had a dream of poop before doing this flying fish, but there were a lot of them. Then I filmed an advertisement with this flying fish.”

Kwon In-ha delivered an episode about the stage where Park Hyo-shin and’That’s Only My World’ covered the’Thunder Tiger Singing’ 20 years ago, “Hyo-shin was the singer of our company at the time, and I was the CEO.”

Kwon In-ha said, “I’m looking for the first person to comment on the Thunder Tiger. Please contact me.” In particular, he said, “I am even more grateful for letting me live my life as a singer again.”

Following gwoninha is aroused admiration showcase the IU ‘night letters’ to Thunder Tiger version.

Photo = MBC'Radio Star' broadcast screen capture
Photo = MBC’Radio Star’ broadcast screen capture

Park Sun-joo said, “The person who made the word vocal trainer” and “There are about 20,000 students.” He added, “DJ DOC Kim Chang-yeol and Cool Lee Jae-hoon were scolded a lot.”

“I have a friend who ran away from class and didn’t come back,” he said, “Kyo-tae Kim Jong-min” said, “I didn’t like to do it, so when I asked why, I wanted to become the president of a car center without becoming a singer. I taught hard, but in the third or fourth class, I went diving.”

Then he sent a video letter saying, “Jongmin, I’m waiting. The door you opened and left is still open,” creating a creepy laughter.

Park Sun-joo performed Haha’s vocal training and showed the appearance of a tiger teacher.

Julian Kang said that he was in order to organize the fight in the entertainment industry, and said he was in 5th place Kang Ho-dong, 4th place Kim Jong-guk, 3rd place Yun Hyeongbin, 2nd place Lee Jae-yoon, and 1st place Ma Dong-seok. In particular, Julien Kang said that the scene that beat Kang Ho-dong in the past broadcast was completely edited.

Julien Kang said, “Older brother Dennis Kang and second brother Tommy hyung are also active as coaches in MMA and boxing,” and said, “But my mother is the scariest. I suppress it with my voice,” and expressed affection for her mother.

Julien Kang was amazed when he showed the power of hitting a baseball bat with his feet and elbows.

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