Juk-kyung (Han Ji-hyun), Kim So-yeon 父 I knew the secret “Why did you run away?”

‘Penthouse 2’Han Ji-hyun threatened Kim So-yeon.

In the SBS Friday and Saturday drama’Penthouse 2′, which aired on the 27th, a great uprising was depicted by Joong-gyeong (Han Ji-hyun) threatening Cheon Seo-jin (Kim So-yeon).

Photo = SBS

When he was prevented from attending the competition due to the school violence, the president said, “Just let me participate. “You have that authority,” he said. Chun Seo-jin expressed displeasure to the president, who was openly mocking him.

But, “What do you think about giving the object to the hottest thing you write about?” said “If you really love my dad, wouldn’t you be able to do that?” In response, Seo-jin Cheon drew a line saying, “What kind of target is Taryeong as I don’t have skills.”

“You know that I can’t do it for Eunbyul anyway with my skills anyway. So you came to ask for a favor despite being so worried?” he continued the provocation. When Seo-jin Cheon said, “I need to call my dad, can I shut up?” I know that I’m a little awesome. Auntie” smiled.

He continued, “When you passed away, Cheon Sam was also on the stone steps. But why did you just run away? Don’t save my dad?” said Cheon Seo-jin as amazement.

Reporter Kang Bo-ra [email protected]

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