‘Judge’s fierce criticism’ Kim Eo-joon, “The court arrests for the government, the politician will witness the birth of the motherland”

Mr. Eo-Jun Kim, a broadcaster running the TBS Radio’News Factory of Eo-Jun Kim’, sentenced former Justice Minister Cho Kook to his spouse, Professor Jeong Gyeong-shim of Dongyang University, to four years in prison and told a judge who was arrested by the court, “The vested rights counterattack”, “Dying. , And criticizes such as this type of judgment” and “after making a conclusion, the trial was conducted as a food service”.

Kim raised a conspiracy theory aimed at the judiciary on YouTube’Dasvoida’, which was released on the 25th. Mr. Kim brought the camp logic to the sentence of Professor Jeong, saying, “It is not a simple legal judgment, but a counterattack over there.” The judge said that he did politics.

Mr. Kim insisted, “(Former Minister Cho Kook) was a symbol of the Moon Jae-in administration, and he was also the chief justice minister Min Jeong, and was mentioned as the next (president) runner. Democratic Party lawmaker Woo Sang-ho, who appeared on this broadcast, responded to Kim’s remarks, saying, “The reason I said (in the judgment) was mixed with emotions included all of those things.”

Earlier, Department of Criminal Agreement 25-2 of the Seoul Central District Court (President Judge Lim Jeong-yeop, Kwon Seong-su and Kim Sun-hee) sentenced Professor Chung to 15 charges related to entrance examination irregularities, private equity funds, and evidence manipulation and sentenced him to 4 years in prison and a fine of 500 million won. It also ordered an additional collection of 13894 million won.

▲ Mr. Eo-Jun Kim, a broadcaster running the TBS Radio'Kim Eo-Jun's News Factory', sentenced former Justice Minister Cho Kook to his spouse, Professor Jeong Gyeong-shim of Dongyang University, to four years in prison, and told the judge who was arrested by the court, “The vested rights counterattack”, “Let's die. Hear, he poured out criticisms such as this kind of ruling
▲ Mr. Eo-Jun Kim, a broadcaster running the TBS Radio’Kim Eo-Jun’s News Factory’, sentenced former Justice Minister Cho Kook to his spouse, Professor Jeong Gyeong-shim of Dongyang University, to four years in prison, and told the judge who was arrested by the court, “The vested rights counterattack”, “Let’s die. Hear, he poured out criticisms such as this kind of ruling” and “after making a conclusion, the trial was carried out as a food service.” Photo = YouTube Darsvei.

Another performer, Kim Jong-min, and the Democratic Party’s Supreme Council member, said, “At least the court should have strict judicial control over the prosecution’s investigation that destroys a person’s life.” They matched each other.”

Mr. Kim criticized him as “a judgment made by the judge by dancing to the rhyme while enjoying the (partially) media coverage.” Supreme Commissioner Kim Jong-min also argued, “In recent important political rulings, it is indeed the right judicial person to entrust the life and death of one or two judges who are not free from political bias.”

In a conversation with the cast members including Shin Shin-shik, Yang Ji-yeol, Shin Yu-jin, and Seo Ki-ho, Kim said, “It was said that it was a private equity, a power-type crime, but they were all innocent.” They wore legal uniforms and made politics. The vested rights are fighting back. The war that will continue until the next presidential election has begun.” The court considered Professor Chung’s allegations of embezzlement in business related to alleged corruption of private equity funds, but convicted some of the charges of violating the Capital Markets Act due to the use of undisclosed material information.

Kim said, aiming at the court, “This case was not due to the fact that, as the trial proceeded, it wasn’t that it was, but a person who was concluded from the beginning of the trial proceeded the trial as a catering act.” It means that I will cut the shoots that can become from the root. From a political point of view, this is what I will thoroughly destroy my family.”

“It is a decision to awaken the former minister of the motherland,” said Kim, and “we will witness the birth of the fatherland, a politician.” Even when the judge convicted all charges of corruption in the entrance examination of Professor Jeong, he argued that “if it is guilty, all parents will go to jail at that time.”

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