Joo Ho-young “Which insane prosecutor will investigate LH after Yoon Seok-yeol was expelled?”

Ho-young Joo, the National Power of the House representative, answers questions from reporters about the resignation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol at the National Assembly on the 4th.[사진=이승환기자]

picture explanationHo-young Joo, the National Power of the House representative, answers questions from reporters about the resignation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol at the National Assembly on the 4th.[사진=이승환기자]

Regarding the alleged speculation of land in a new city by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees on the 7th, Ho-young Joo, head of the People’s Power, said, “I beat former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol for a year and kicked it out.” Will you come forward to investigate,” he criticized.

On the same day, House Representative Joo posted a post on his Facebook page, saying, “Which prosecutor will come forward to investigate whether the lawmakers and the regime are involved in LH corruption?”

He criticized, “The whole country is peaceful as the prosecution disappears. You smashed the prosecution’s limbs to do this, and your head nods.”

“The fact that LH employees bought land in the Gwangmyeong-Siheung district of the 3rd new city was revealed by Minbyun’s exposure,” said Joo Nae-in. “President Moon Jae-in ordered’Balbonsaekwon’ twice. To block unearned income due to real estate speculation. President Moon, who has taken it as an all-in-one policy, said it would be difficult to be familiar with “public officials’ real estate speculation.” “The government-wide strict countermeasures came out quickly.’We will form a joint investigation team with related agencies under the head of the first deputy head of the Prime Minister’s Office to thoroughly investigate real estate speculation not only by LH but also by all government ministries. If they were alive, people would have heard the news from KBS 9 o’clock news that’the prosecution conducted a full-scale seizure and search of the LH headquarters office, which established the 3rd new city plan this morning.’ He pointed out that the incapacitated prosecution could not properly investigate allegations of land speculation by LH employees.

“The prosecutor’s back is broken, so the power surroundings are warm. LH Corporation President Chang-Hum Byun, who is in charge of the LH speculation corruption,” said, “I don’t feel the tension around Minister Byun and LH. “No,” the LH employee criticized, saying, “Is there a law that LH employees should not invest in real estate?”

President Joo Nae said, “While President Moon’s opposition party and the criticism of public opinion, the regime’s real-life minister Byeon Chang-heum endures like that, but who dares to use the blade of the investigation?”

“The Moon Jae-in regime will soon completely deprive the prosecution authority,” he said. “If this happens, all the investigations of the core of the regime, including the president, will go to the police and pile up one after another. The only days left to be granted are this March or April. He criticized that the birth of the’privileged class’ reigning over the law is imminent.

[김현정 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
