Joo Ho-young “Park Beom-gye after Motherland and Chumiae… Is it a death note for public office”

  The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is in conversation with the judges prior to the in-hospital-judicial committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 5th.
The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is in conversation with the judges prior to the in-hospital-judicial committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 5th.
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“As for the candidate Park Bum-gye, various reasons for ineligibility have bitten the tail on the tail, making it difficult to count the number.”

The power of the people aimed at the candidate for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye. Park Bum-gye, who was nominated as a candidate for the new Justice Minister, and Democratic Party lawmaker (3rd line, Seo-gu, Daejeon) raised various suspicions and emphasized that he was “ineligible.” It was nothing but a declaration of war with a “thorough verification” ahead of the personnel hearing.

Joo Ho-young “People nominated by President Moon as the Minister of Justice is a public office death note”

On the morning of the 5th, Ho-Young Joo, the representative of the People’s Forces, held a meeting with the in-house judiciary at the National Assembly. At this meeting, Ho-young Joo raised three suspicions against candidate Park Beom-gye.

He said, “After being elected a member of the National Assembly for 6,400 pyeong of forestry in Yeongdong, Chungbuk, which candidate Park owned since 1970, he omitted the property report for public officials for 8 years, and then the land of 200 million won in Miryang, Gyeongnam, which was donated as spouse in 2018, was also omitted from the property report. He raised his voice. “Candidate Park donated this land to his brother-in-law in August of last year and sold the Daegu commercial house, which is estimated to be over 1 billion won, to his brother-in-law for 700 million won.” “Isn’t it a fake transaction?”

  The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is revising his mask after speaking at the in-hospital-judicial committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 5th.
The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is revising his mask after speaking at the in-hospital-judicial committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 5th.
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The next was the suspicion of’conflicting rights’ with broadcasting companies in Daejeon. He pointed out that “Candidate Park has been imprisoned for arresting and prosecuting the people concerned, when lawyer Kim So-yeon, who was nominated as a member of the Daejeon city council in relation to the 2018 local election, exposed that he had been asked for illegal political funds worth 100 million won from Park’s side.” did. “In this regard, Candidate Park is still under suspicion of collusion with so-called powers that he has received transcripts from three broadcasting companies in Daejeon area while conducting civil lawsuits with lawyer Kim, and is using them in lawsuits.”

The last is the suspicion of’assault’. “In 2016, including the suspicion of screaming at a high school student who was raging in front of his home while demanding positivity in 2016, and in 2019, he is a criminal defendant who is tried for assaulting an opposition party officer at the time of Fast Track (designated expedited processing agenda).”

Representative Joo stipulated that candidate Park was “a candidate for the Minister of Justice who should be responsible for strict law enforcement, and is the third candidate who was engulfed in various illegal controversies after the motherland and Chu Miae.” He also pointed out, “How the most ethical and non-lawful Minister of Justice, followed by Cho Kook, Chu Mi-ae, Park Beom-gye, and formerly Ahn Kyung-hwan, who are appointed by President Moon Jae-in as Minister of Justice seem to be posting on the death note for public office.” He also pledged, “I will thoroughly verify that no illegal and ineligible candidates are nominated by the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice.”

Jong-Bae Lee “President Moon intends to strike out the Minister of Justice”

  On the afternoon of the 4th, candidate Park Bum-gye of Justice Minister Park Bum-gye goes to the office for a personnel hearing prepared in the Seoul High Prosecutor's Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul, and has a question-and-answer time with reporters entering the prosecution.
Candidate Park Bum-gye of Justice Minister Park Bum-gye goes to the office for a personnel hearing prepared in the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 4th, and has a question-and-answer time with reporters entering the prosecution.
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Policy Committee Chairman Lee Jong-bae also said, “Candidate Park Beom-gye ordered justice for justice and universal validity for the prosecution.” I opened my mouth.

He criticized, “The Minister of Justice is a minister who defends justice, and I doubt that candidate Park is qualified to represent justice.” “Candidate Park has been highly praised if he thinks he is on my side, and if he thinks he is an enemy, he has criticized the level of insult,” he said. “Looking back on that move, in the end, the definition of fairness ordered by the candidate to the prosecution and the definition of universal validity It is a claim that “a person is candidate Park himself.”

The chairman of the Policy Committee said, “Rather, it is good to call it a sample of the double standards of the Moon Jae-in administration.” He listened to his criminal accused status and said, “Like the former Minister of Korea, a crime was found in the process of a personnel hearing, and the prosecution began an investigation. Although there is one case, he stressed that the nomination of the defendant as a candidate for the Minister of Justice is a ridiculous situation that has not been heard.

He said, “The distance between justice and justice is very far. Former Minister Cho Kook, Cho Mi-ae, and candidate Park Bum-gye cannot be considered as ineligible candidates for three consecutive years,” he said. “Is the president intending to strike out the Minister of Justice or not It is difficult to understand the level of the presidential greetings that are far from the public sentiment whether they are not considered to be faulty,” said President Moon. “We will do our best to prevent the birth of the 27th ineligible minister and the 27th ineligible minister through thorough verification,” he added.

“Anyway, the Minister of Justice is Park Bum-gye?

Deputy spokesman Park Ki-nyeong made a comment titled’Anyway, is the Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye?’ and mocked, “Is Democratic Party officials think it’s the’national rule’ that couples do not communicate with each other.” . “When controversy breaks out, I often see’my wife did it’,” he said. “I’m curious when I can see’Ah! I did’.”

Deputy spokesman Park said, “Many people are questioning whether Park’s qualifications as the Minister of Justice are lacking in qualifications, and some people have an opinion that’the Justice Minister is Park Bum-gye anyway’.” He pointed out that it makes sense to see President Moon Jae-in’s unconventional and dogmatic figures without opposition party consent.”
