Joo Ho-young “Is this 118 years to save 30% of my salary and live a butler?”

People's Power Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is giving a speech at the plenary session of the National Assembly on the 3rd.  Reporter Ho-Young Kim

picture explanationPeople’s Power Joo Ho-young, the representative of the hospital, is giving a speech at the plenary session of the National Assembly on the 3rd. Reporter Ho-Young Kim

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On the 3rd, Ho-young Joo, head of the People’s Power, said, “The deepening of the worst real estate inequality and asset inequality in history is creating a feeling of despair among young people that’this life is ruined’.”

Representative Joo said in a speech from the parliamentary bargaining group that day, “Despite 25 real estate measures, the four-year increase in real estate prices for the Moon Jae-in administration is much greater than the 14 years of the last three governments combined.”

In particular, he said, “youth are now indebtedly out of debt and are attracting their souls to panic buying or jumping into the stock market,” he said. “I am only afraid of where the end of this’everything debt’ will be.” .

In his speech on the day, CEO Joo cited Kyungshilryeon’s’Market Price Analysis Results by Seoul Apartment Administration’, saying, “The price of apartments in Seoul has risen 3.8 times from 310 million won to 1.190 million won over the past 18 years.” “By the way, out of the 880 million won in the price increase, the amount raised during the Moon Jae-in administration was a whopping 530 million won,” he emphasized. “In the four years of the Moon Jae-in administration, the price of apartments in Seoul rose a whopping 82%.”

CEO Joo said, “As a result, it takes 36 years to buy an average-priced apartment in Seoul even if an individual collects without spending a penny. Saving 30% of the wage will take 118 years.” “Nya` is a phrase that comes out as a clause,” he added.

“The Moon Jae-in regime unilaterally passed the 3 Lease Act, ignoring the issue of the Korean people’s power and requesting for legislative supplementation. He criticized, “It has soared jeonse prices and mass-produced jeonse refugees.”

“The most fundamental reason is that the basic philosophy and tone of the real estate policy of the Moon Jae-in regime is wrong,” he said. “Ignoring the principle of operation of the market and violating the basic rights of the people, property rights and freedom of movement, demanded while completely blocking the supply of housing. In order to suppress the government, the people were imprisoned in an unprecedented regulatory prison.”

“The next biggest cause is the wrong choice of the minister in charge,” he said. “The former Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (former Minister Kim Hyun-mi), who does not have any experience or expertise in real estate policy, made a lot of wrong policies to come to defeat the mayor and the people. It disrupted the entire market and completely destroyed the people’s livelihoods.”

In his speech on the day, CEO Joo said in a speech to solve the worst real estate problem ever caused by the Moon Jae-in regime ▲A reduction in capital gains tax ▲Easyment of tax burden for real estate consumers, such as one household and one homeowner ▲Reduction in the employment registration tax for the first home buyer in his life It suggested a reduction and adjustment of the amount of the tax.

[방영덕 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
