Jong-won Yoon, President of Industrial Bank of Korea, asked for “Expand mid-term loans in the first half

[이데일리 김유성 기자] “We will increase the proportion of loans to SMEs in the first half of this year.”

IBK Finance Tower in Eulji-ro on the 5th.

On the 5th, IBK Industrial Bank held a non-face-to-face meeting of’National Sales Managers’ Meeting, presided over by IBK President Jong-won Yoon. At the meeting, Chairman Yoon shared the major strategic directions and plans to be pursued this year, including mid-term loan expansion.

At the meeting, Chairman Yun ordered that the banking industry and IBK face an important inflection point as the business environment changes due to the corona, and that the field managers take the lead in the change. He suggested △support for overcoming the corona crisis △visualization of innovative finance performance △settlement of correct management.

He emphasized the need to expand support for SMEs and small businesses above all else. “Support for SMEs and small businessmen overcoming the corona crisis should be of the utmost priority.” He asked for the preemptive management of potential risks so that the company can make a soft landing.”

“As the digital transformation rapidly unfolds, the traditional banking sector is eroding and transforming into an invisible bank,” he said. “We need to shift to a customer-oriented thinking that values ​​customer contact points and customer experience, and change the credit structure and financial support method in a future-oriented way. I emphasized.

It was also requested to provide on-site opinions so that the’Financial Doctor’s Program’, which combines medium-term financial expertise and digital technology, which is being prepared as one of the major projects of new finance, can well present customized prescriptions to SMEs.

In addition, he repeatedly emphasized, “We must prevent financial accidents and corruption through reinforcement of internal controls and prepare for changes in the regulatory environment following the enforcement of the Financial Consumer Protection Act, and strengthen trust with customers through proper management.”

Meanwhile, the meeting, which was held in compliance with the COVID-19 quarantine rules, was presented with an award ceremony for branches with excellent management performance, as well as presentations of excellent examples of IBK innovation management, such as’Investing in Adventure Capital’ and’Practicing Financial Consumer Protection’.
