Jong-in Kim, designated as a’gate’ for nuclear power plant support in North Korea… “The truth doesn’t change even if you shut up”

[아시아경제 나주석 기자] On the 3rd, Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Response Committee, defined the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant support plan as a’North Korean nuclear power plant gate’ and requested that the truth be investigated through state affairs investigation. The power of the people decided to set up a special committee within the party to investigate the actual truth.



Chairman Kim said, “A report released by the Ministry of Industry, which has been revealed to be a fact so far,” said at the National Assembly’s National Assembly on the same day. “The South Koreans asked to dispose of nuclear power plants, which could be used as materials, and North Korea’s new security plan was revealed to be true.”

He said, “The Blue House and the ruling party are busy talking about the legal response, obscuring the arguments such as that there is no atom of a nuclear power plant in USB about the commonsense and rational doubts of the people, but that does not change the truth.”

Chairman Kim insisted, “The outline of the whole puzzle is coming out just by listing the events that have been disclosed so far in chronological order,” and argued that “the reality of the North Korean nuclear power plant gate must be properly revealed from now on.” He said, “There was the first inter-Korean summit on April 27, 2018, and three days later, on April 30, President Moon Jae-in strongly spoke to the chief advisors meeting to prepare for follow-up measures. The document for the North Korean nuclear power plant in question is May 2~ It will be written on the 15th. Kim Jong-un inspected the Sinpo Light Waterway in May and held the second inter-Korean summit on May 26, and then emphasized the use of nuclear power in the New Year’s Address in 2019.” He said, “Is this a series of incidents all coincidences? If the data were for internal review, there is no reason for a public official to commit a life-threatening crime.”

He said, “Does it make sense in common sense to say that a working public official made a document as a study piece on a super-large project with an economic effect of 120 trillion won on construction cost?” It seems to be,” he added.

Chairman Kim said, “The ruling party asks for an immediate response to the demands of the people’s power to investigate the state affairs.” “This case is not just a matter of corruption or economics, but a serious issue that depends on the security of the country and the lives of the people. “I will do my best to uncover the real truth, such as operating a special commission.”

Reporter Juseok Na [email protected]
