Johnson’s’Pandemic Transparency International Treaty’ aimed at China

Corona Origins Lack of Transparency In China

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson./Reuters Yonhap News

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that an international treaty should be signed to ensure the transparency of information related to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). It is analyzed that Prime Minister Johnson, who participated in the criticism that China did not provide sufficient information to the World Health Organization (WHO) Corona 19 origin investigation team, made such a remark targeting China.

According to Reuters on the 15th (local time), Prime Minister Johnson said at a press conference on the day that there were voices of concern that the WHO was having difficulty accessing information during the investigation of the origin of Corona 19. He said he was hoping to sign. It made it clear that China’s non-cooperation was the reason for drawing out the international treaty signing card.

In fact, Prime Minister Johnson answered, “Most evidence seems to indicate that Corona 19 originated in Wuhan,” when asked whose responsibility is the lack of transparency regarding the origin of Corona 19. Prime Minister Johnson expressed his support for U.S. President Joe Biden the day before, who also claimed the need for additional data from the WHO investigation. “Of the proposals I’ve come across in recent months, it is attractive to sign an international treaty on the pandemic (a global pandemic of infectious diseases),” he said. Prime Minister Johnson stressed the need for universal consensus on how to track data related to the zoonotic (transmitted from animal to human) pandemic.

The European Union immediately welcomed Prime Minister Johnson’s proposal. “We welcome Prime Minister Johnson’s proposal to cooperate with the preparation of a pandemic treaty to promote global readiness and resilience,” said Charles Michel, executive chairman of the European Union (EU) summit on Twitter today.

/ Reporter Park Seong-gyu [email protected]

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