Job prospects for the first half of the year Semiconductor and electronics are clear Shipbuilding and steel are cloudy

Job prospects for the first half of the year Semiconductor and electronics'clear', shipbuilding and steel'cloudy'

In the first half of this year, jobs such as semiconductors and electronics are expected to increase, while shipbuilding and steel industries are expected to decrease.

On the 31st, the Korea Employment Information Service and the Korea Industrial Technology Promotion Agency announced the’Job Outlook for Major Businesses in the First Half of 2021′.

The industry that is expected to see the highest job growth rate is semiconductors.

In the semiconductor industry, the number of jobs is expected to increase by 4,000 (2.9%) from the same period last year.

The Employment Information Service explained that this year, the global semiconductor market will show a double-digit growth rate due to increased demand.

The number of jobs in the electronics and display industries is also expected to increase by 11,000 (1.6%) and 2,000 (1.4%), respectively.

In the construction industry, the number of jobs will increase by 28,000 (1.4%), according to the Korea Employment Information Service.

On the other hand, in the shipbuilding industry, 6,000 jobs (5.6%) are expected to decrease.

The Employment Information Service pointed out that “the workforce has decreased this year due to the decrease in order volume last year, and it will take a considerable amount of time for new ship orders to be produced.”

The employment information service reports that the number of jobs in the steel industry will also decrease by 2,000 (1.4%).

Jobs in machinery, textiles, automobiles, and finance and insurance are expected to remain at the same level as last year.

The job prospects for the first half of the Korea Employment Information Service and Korea Industrial Technology Promotion Agency were calculated based on data such as the employment insurance database, the labor force survey by job type and the economically active population survey.

/yunhap news

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