Jo Yoon-hee’s 35-month-old daughter revealed “Tall and small face…Tomboy style”

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자]

Actor Jo Yoon-hee mentioned her 35-month-old daughter.

Jo Yoon-hee showed off her 35-month-old daughter’s photo to Tiffany and Heo Gyeong-hwan in SBS’s’The Dog I’ve Encountered’ broadcast on the 7th.

Jo Yoon-hee smiled, saying, “Mothers are very envious of her because she is tall and her face is too small. These days, she said that she resembles me a lot.”

Tiffany, who saw Jo Yoon-hee’s daughter, admired, “It’s so pretty. The first impression resembles her sister so much.”

Jo Yoon-hee said of her daughter, “I like playing house, but I have a feeling of Tomboy rather than a woman.

“I don’t, but I lived so timid and introverted that my daughter thought I would like people to lead, but it’s two-much.”

In an interview with the production crew prior to the introduction of her daughter, Jo Yoon-hee said, “In the past, I thought,’I’m going to live with only dogs and no children’ when it’s time to marry and have children. “He said.

In the meantime, Jo Yoon-hee said, “I feel that my daughter will grow up later and become a person who can help animals. No matter what job I have, I think I will be a person who can help animals. I am very excited to see if we can do it together.”

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Photo | Screen capture of SBS’Sometimes Encountered Dog’ broadcast

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
