Jo Soo-jin “Lee Nak-yeon turned away, Lee Jae-myeong… It’s like the fall that was taken out”

Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae (right) and Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong laugh at the State Council meeting held at the Blue House on June 23 last year and the Seoul Metropolitan Area Quarantine Countermeasures Meeting. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationJustice Minister Chu Mi-ae (right) and Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong laugh at the State Council meeting held at the Blue House on June 23 last year and the Seoul Metropolitan Area Quarantine Countermeasures Meeting. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

On the 4th, Congressman Cho Su-jin, the Governor Lee Jae-myeong, criticized Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myeong, saying, “It is not time to prioritize differentiation strategies with Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon, but to focus on the corona crisis.”

Rep. Cho said on his Facebook page that day, “47 people have died so far in a nursing hospital in Gyeonggi-do.” “The Bucheon Hyoplus Nursing Hospital is the worst case of quarantine damage from a cohort (same group). The officials from the Finn quarantine authorities pointed out, “The only co-director of the Bucheon City Health Center and the Gyeonggi Corona 119 Emergency Response Group.”

Rep. Cho said, “By the way, this governor insisted on’no difference in prosecution, judicial, chaebol, media, and financial reforms’,” said Rep. Lee. Seems to be,” he insisted.

Rep. Cho said, “(But in the current situation), it is worth considering whether the governor of Gyeonggi writes or writes to return the `presidential rival`.” He pointed out that “fifty-three hundred and fifty-three hundred and fifty-hundred-boths.”

In this regard, Governor Lee said on his Facebook page on the 3rd, “Reforming the vested rights cartel is the public welfare, and leaving them alone, any public welfare reform can easily become a waste”. “Prosecution reform, judicial reform, as well as chaebol , Reforming the power of the press, finance and bureaucracy must proceed without delay.”

Governor Lee’s assertion appeared on the 1st of the 1st, when Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, two former presidents’ pardon proposals, appeared at a time when the pros and cons of the party were mixed and focused the attention of the political world.

[우승준 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
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