Jo Joong-dong who raised Lee Nak-yeon’s’Park Geun-hye pardon’

On the first day of the new year, a post-storm is taking place on the ‘pardonism of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye,’ claimed by the Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon Representative Lee made public reunification as a cause, but criticism is also rising within the ruling party. Newspapers’ responses were clearly divided. The following are the titles of related articles published on the front page of major daily newspapers (Kookmin, Seoul, World, and Korea) on the 2nd.

Kyunghyang Shinmun: Lee Nak-yeon, “MB·Park Geun-hye amnesty for national integration”
Dong-A Ilbo: Let’s launch Lee’MB-朴 Amnesty’ at the beginning of the new year 靑 “Can be discussed”
Chosun Ilbo: Election D-95… The former’Park Geun-hye pardon’ pulled out
JoongAng Ilbo; Nak-Yeon Lee “Would suggest pardoning MB·Park Geun-hye”
The Hankyoreh: “I would suggest pardoning Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak” New Year’s First Day, Lee Nak-yeon, controversial

‘National integration’ was proposed, but’election wins and losses’ interpretation

Representative Lee Nak-yeon argued that the amnesty of the two former presidents “may be a big key for national unity.” However, my intention is interpreted by political engineering calculations for elections. It is a paving stone for’Candidate Nak-Yeon Lee’ in the immediate April re-election and by-election and further next year’s presidential election.

As the background of the amnesty theory, the Hankyoreh (receiving the amnesty and’integration’ emphasis… “the lack of public consensus” passport cold) said, “When the Supreme Court decision of former President Park Geun-hye scheduled on the 14th comes, the amnesty is bound to be discussed. The intention seems to be undermined.” He interpreted, “As the re-election in April approaches, the discussion of amnesty tends to spread to a battle of political intentions, so it may have been aimed at the effect of removing steam in advance.” At the same time, “Apart from political correctness, it is unclear whether it will be advantageous to CEO Lee himself. A member of the Democratic Party said,’It appears that he took out the pardon card for his own political fate without any prerequisites for pardon. It’s difficult to impress,” he said.

The Kyunghyang Shinmun (‘amnesty card’ in rapport with the Blue House…it means’breaking through crisis’ with integration ahead) said, “The character of the joint response strategy between the Party and the government to break through the current crisis is strong.” “In the second half of the Moon Jae-in administration’s ruling, the corona 19 crisis and the’Chumi-ae and Yoon Seok-yeol’ conflict, which intensify the division of public opinion, and in order to overcome the crisis, they took out the pardon card, a symbol of’national integration’.” In this regard, “within the Democratic Party, it is impossible for the ruling party representative to publicly speak of the president’s own pardon, which is impossible without rapport.” “In the past, Lee said that he met with President Moon twice last month. In this regard, there is an interpretation that Lee took the place of President Moon’s political burden.”

JoongAng Ilbo (pre-coordinated with President Moon? Lee Nak-yeon’s’integration’ victory number, who was pushed to third place) also said, “Regarding the fact that Lee Nak-yeon, who is usually cautious, brought out the issue of amnesty, which is the president’s own authority, On the one hand, there is an analysis saying that he tried to create an opportunity for a reversal for himself, who collapsed in third place in the approval rating of the presidential candidate.” The Chosun Ilbo (the Chosun Ilbo’s four-year eradication of redemption, the’integration’ card as the elections approached) also made the reason for Lee’s amnesty, “because this by-election influences the political future of the Democrats as well as the representatives.” I saw it.

▲ Article on page 4 of the JoongAng Ilbo on January 2.
▲ Article on page 4 of the JoongAng Ilbo on January 2.

The Dong-A Ilbo (Lee “President should decide to pardon someday”…”Jungkook-led – midway expansion” Seung Byeol-soo) said, “There is a lot of opposition to the proposal for the pardon right now, but according to President Moon’s decision, public opinion within the party He said,’In this case, we will be able to approach moderate and conservative voters, reaffirming that they are the successors of the current regime.’ It means that it can be a measure to overcome the situation where Lee is stagnating in the recent survey of the next presidential election runners’ approval ratings.” But, if the pardon is destroyed or the Blue House finally opposes, Lee will take a big blow before the presidential race begins in earnest. There is a possibility to wear it.”

As such, the interpretation that the amnesty was drawn with the election in mind is dominant, but some newspapers argued the “humanitarian dimension” or “nationality” and argued the necessity of the amnesty. An editorial on the Chosun Ilbo (a pardon for the former president, abandoning political calculations and making a humanitarian decision) said, “Political evaluation and legal penalties have been sufficiently imposed on the two former presidents. It is time to think about what the imprisonment can mean for prolonged prolongation in terms of nationality,” he said. “The issue of amnesty should be made only by the president in terms of humanitarianism and in terms of national unity.” Said.

An editorial on the Dong-A Ilbo (a pardon for the former president, when discussing national unity with GukG) said, “The issue of the former president’s pardon is thought from the perspective of the nationality of the Republic of Korea, which has achieved democratization while being the world’s 10th largest economic power, leaving political favourites. “In addition, the two former presidents who are in prison are already old and have a lot of bad health due to long chronic illnesses,” he stressed. He then argued that “the two former presidents being held in jail is like holding the Korean politics as hostages of the past.”

The Kyunghyang Shinmun and Hankyoreh editorials strongly criticized’Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye’s amnesty’. An editorial of the Kyunghyang Shinmun (the two former president’s amnesty without reflection, with no justification or unification effect) said, “In many ways, Lee’s amnesty is inappropriate. Above all, the two have committed the tremendous flag disturbance and have never repented. “It is not the rule of law to forgive these former presidents as soon as the Supreme Court ruling comes out. He pointed out that the effect of national integration expected by Lee is also negative.” He urged, “As the ruling party in power, it is necessary to look back on what they have done for the politics of unification and find a way for true agreement.”

An editorial of the Hankyoreh (Lee Nak-yeon’s first message of the New Year’Lee-Park’s amnesty’, inappropriate) said, “The logic that if former presidents are released from prison will lead to national unity, it is a thought that cannot keep up with the changes of the times. It goes against the common sense and legal sentiment of the people. It can lead to division of national opinion, not national unity,” he said. “There are other areas in which national unity is urgently needed. Income inequality and the gap between the rich and the poor caused by the corona are raising social conflicts. The ruling party’s representative should have revealed plans and plans to solve these problems with the first message of the new year.” The Hankyoreh said, “Recently, as the approval ratings of him and his party have fallen, he may be desperate to find a breakthrough. However, if you are the influential presidential election runner of the ruling party, you should not be impatient and make a wise judgment while looking at it in a big way.”

▲ Some newspaper editorials dated January 2. From the top, the Hankyoreh, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Dong-A Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo.

The possibility of realizing’Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye’s pardon’

Meanwhile, interest is gathered in the second ruling of the Supreme Court against Park Geun-hye on the 14th. When the sentence is confirmed, in principle, it becomes a condition for a special envoy. The Kyunghyang Shinmun (Park Geun-hye, sentenced for reconsideration on the 14th…’special pardon’ is possible when the sentence is confirmed), “The special pardon, which is the authority of the President, is the subject of’those sentenced to sentence’. If the Minister of Justice passes through the Amnesty Review Committee and lists the scope and target of the special amnesty, the President will exercise the right to amnesty through a resolution of the State Council. If the Supreme Court confirmed the sentence on the 14th, a special pardon for Park would be possible.” “Mr. Lee Myung-bak was also sentenced to 17 years in prison in October last year on charges of embezzling DAS funds and receiving bribes from Samsung, etc. A special pardon is possible.”

However, “President Moon Jae-in pledged not to pardon the ‘5 major corruption crimes’, such as bribery, misrepresentation, misrepresentation, and embezzlement during the presidential election. Lee was convicted of bribery, a crime subject to amnesty pledged by President Moon. Mr. Park was also convicted of bribery charges in the farewell trial,” the Kyunghyang Shinmun pointed out.

The Chosun Ilbo (Park’s reconsideration of the Supreme Law, sentenced on the 14th…can pardon before the New Year) said, “If two people meet the requirements for pardoning with’determination of sentence’, Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon announced on the 1st’Park’s pardon’ Legal obstacles disappear. Amnesty and parole are intended for prisoners whose sentence has been confirmed.

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