[JJ칼럼] The future of Dogecoin (ft. Satoshi) | Block media

[블록미디어] It’s like a storm. After Elon Musk, who “stopped tweeting,” decided to invest in large amounts of bitcoin, the digital asset market was completely different. Due to Musk’s tweet, Dogecoin cannot be left out of the coins that received attention.

I read the post on Reddit by Billy Markus, the first creator of Dogecoin. Billy doesn’t have any Dogecoin right now. The money for Dogecoin was about buying a used Honda car.

Billy’s writing as a whole feels a little bit lonely, if not regretting. At the beginning of the article, I was talking about my mother suffering from the corona pandemic. Even if it wasn’t just the money he ate after investing in cryptocurrency, he would be able to help his mother a little more. Billy’s personal finances and Dogecoin’s winning streak are in odd contrast.

The reason Billy wrote this also has to do with money. Billy is now completely withdrawn from the Dogecoin community and is not involved in development. Still, they are sending huge emails from around. Let me make some money. They give Dogecoin as a tip. That seems to be helpful for Billy’s life. Even at this point, the difficulty…

When DojiCoin was first created, its mischievous intentions are well known. It took 3 hours to make. He said he was very surprised when the Dogecoin community expanded almost at the speed of light. Someone made an online wallet, and the wallet was hacked and 21 million coins were stolen. A community came out to help victims, donated coins to dig wells in Africa, and helped connect dogs and children…

Billy asks about Dogecoin’s’True Value’. “A dollar of Dogecoin people talk about. In terms of market cap, it’s bigger than Boeing, Starbucks, American Express and IBM. Companies that serve millions of people. Does Dogecoin deserve that?”

Billy retreats, saying this question isn’t something he can understand.

When it comes to the value of Dogecoin, he says he doesn’t have the right to speak, and that everyone has the right to answer the way they want. As the creator of Dogecoin, I don’t necessarily insist on donating or helping others to use it in a good way. He concludes that fun and enjoyment are also valuable.

Musk bought Dogecoin for his son. For fun, for fun. We just need to pursue fun and enjoyment that we can afford. No more, nothing less.

The future of Dogecoin? Even the creator can’t answer now. It’s a real meme. I got to know why Satoshi Nakamoto hid his face and made bitcoin under a pseudonym by looking at Billy’s writing. Mailbox is about to explode.

Sometimes the creature surpasses the creator.
