Jiyeon Ji-soo “Eli, recently revealed his intention to reunite” (`Blue Manchuria`)

[매일경제 스타투데이 성정은 기자]

Ji Ji-soo, a former racing model broadcaster, revealed the possibility of a reunion with Eli from U-Kiss.

According to the 27th EBS 1TV talk show’Life Story’ It’s coming out,” he said.

Ji-Soo Ji-soo said that she and Eli suffered a breakup crisis once before marriage, and then overcame it with love,” he said. “Even after the marriage, there were a lot of conflict and heartache.”

Ji-Soo Ji-soo said that from the first meeting with her 11-year-old husband, Eli, her marriage and the current divorce in progress.

Ji-soo Ji-soo overcomes the 11-year-old age gap with Eli from the group U-Kiss, and began marriage after completing the marriage registration in 2014.

The wedding took place in 2016, three years later.

The two revealed their daily lives with their son Michael through KBS2’s entertainment program “The Men Who Live in Season 2,” but it was known that they are going through the divorce process through Eli’s SNS post in November of last year.

‘Life Story’, featuring Lee Ji-soo, will be broadcast on the 28th at 9:50 pm. Star instructor Kim Mi-kyung and announcer Lee Jae-yong will conduct.

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Photo courtesy of EBS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
