Democratic Party lawmaker Jin Seong-jun urged the police to establish security measures after his son A, the owner of the’Naegok-dong Eco-Tang Restaurant’ on the 5th, suddenly withheld a press conference scheduled on the 5th.
Rep. Park Young-sun, head of the Strategic Planning Headquarters of Seoul Mayor’s Candidate Camp, posted a post on his social network service (SNS) that day, “I strongly urge you to immediately stop the brutal threats to block the truth with threats.” We request that we immediately take full security measures to protect the lives and safety of the righteous.” Earlier, Mr. A initially held a press conference in front of the Seoul City Hall on the morning of that day, and announced that he would disclose the details of his visit to the ecological bathhouse restaurant in 2005, but canceled it abruptly. According to politicians, Mr. A is known to have revealed that he is afraid of being harmed and that he will dry everything around him. Congressman Jin argued, “The press conference to reveal the truth of Candidate Se-hoon Oh’s land surveying in Naegok-dong was canceled,” he said. “It is because he felt a great threat to personal safety.”
In response to this, a former professor of Dongyang University Jin Joong-kwon said in another post on his Facebook page, “Candidate Young-seon Park’s major decision is to cancel the press conference? I thought Park Young-sun was a candidate, but was running for the ecological bathhouse son?” No, it is natural to ask for the protection of the ecological bathhouse son. Ugh, do a comedy.”
[맹성규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]