Jin Ok-dong, head of Shinhan Bank “To a digital company that connects customers and the future”

Jin Ok-dong, President of Shinhan Bank

picture explanationJin Ok-dong, head of Shinhan Bank, “To a digital company that connects customers and the future”

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Shinhan Bank President Jin Ok-dong emphasized, “From now on, Shinhan Bank must turn into a digital company that connects customers and the future with trust.”

According to Shinhan Bank on the 24th, Mr. Jin at the 2021 Business Strategy Meeting held on the 22nd, “using digital as a tool, all employees are digital based on’digital literacy’ in their respective fields. It is important to show imagination that connects finance and finance,” he said.

The event, in which all employees participated, took place on a digital platform.

In the ‘2020 Comprehensive Achievement Evaluation Contest’, which was held following the management strategy meeting, the Cheonan Community (Community Chief Kim Jae-woo, Sinsadong, Cheonan, Cheonan Court, Cheonan Central Center, and Cheonan Central Corporate Finance Center) received the grand prize.

Not only employees with excellent performance, but also seven employees, including those who prevented customer assets from becoming insolvent and took the lead in supporting small businesses affected by Corona 19, received promotions. In particular, the customer counseling center staff and branch regulation counseling staff, which are the closest contact points with customers, were also hired by converting from office workers to general managers in recognition of their expertise and capabilities.

Shinhan Financial Group Chairman Cho Yong-byeong said in a encouraging speech, “The faces of employees on-site meeting customers were deeply swollen with mask marks, and the headquarters did not turn off late at night due to crisis response.” “Let’s move toward the first-class Shinhan by setting new standards for future finance,” he said.


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