Jin Jung-kwon “Their homeland is not Korea, the Democratic Party 586 delusion”

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Is it a gambling board? When the ruling party presents the Gadeokdo new airport card, the opposition party puts a Korean-Japanese submarine tunnel on top of it to take back. Both are not policy agendas arising from serious Goryeo, but are merely electoral pledges to buy local public sentiment. The undersea tunnel has uncertain economic feasibility, and Gadeokdo New Airport has already received the lowest evaluation in economic feasibility.

False consciousness of fighting against pro-Japanese descendants as an independent army of the era
It is possible because the mainstream and supporters of the Democratic Party are a political community of faith.
The imaginary world of’the power of the people = indigenous Japanese war’ is just a’narrative’ in their minds
The’motherland’ they refer to is not Korea, but this imaginary nation-state

The universal key called pro-Japanese

Is it because the opposition party doesn’t know. After neutralizing the agenda preoccupied by the Democratic Party, the undersea tunnel is set as a new agenda. What caught my attention here is the frame of’Pro-Japanese’ presented by the ruling party as a crossfire. Hideyoshi’s’Jeongmyeonggado’ even appeared, and there was a raging. The general election was made before Korea and Japan, and the by-election seems to be held by the Imjin War.

The ruling party’s pro-Japanese frame is used for various purposes besides elections. For example, when Japan began to retaliate against the economy due to the conscription judgment, the senior citizen of the country at the time of his country came to the meeting with a book called 『The Japan Conference』. They also posted’Jukchangga’ on social media. Since this problem has spread to the theory of responsibility for the administration of the government, he attempted to overcome the situation by summoning nationalist sentiment.

The most important use is to cover up corruption. The case of Yoon Mi-hyang was handled simply as “the last offensive by the forces of pro-Japanese, anti-human rights, and anti-peace” (Rep. Kim Doo-gwan). As it was used by “the forces who are immersed in the pro-Japanese corps” (former Congressman Min Byung-du), only the Japanese government and the pro-Japanese forces are fond of this, and this is “a sad self-portrait of a country that has not completely cleared up pro-Japanese” (Rep.

There are also different uses. At the Liberation Party of Chairman Kim Won-woong, the Democratic Party’s Rep. Seol-Hun, Woo Won-shik, and Ahn Min-seok were awarded the’Independence Army Award of Our Time’. Seongnam Mayor Eun Soo-mi received’Danjae Shin Chae-ho’, and former Minister Choo Mi-ae received’Choi Jae-hyung’. Eventually, the Choi Jae-hyung commemoration project raised an objection that it undermined the spirit of independence of the deceased, and the award itself was abolished in the hope.

General elections held between Korea and Japan

Perspective 2/10

Perspective 2/10

The’White Paper of the Motherland’ shows the imagination of the 586 powers nakedly. “The beginning of the situation was the Supreme Court ruling on compulsory conscription… It was a situation where the reality that pro-Japanese people lived collectively throughout the country was exposed. It was a revolt by those who wanted to break down the view of the history of democratic forces to create peace on the Korean Peninsula and an independent position for the nation.”

This is the NL (national liberation) imaginary world where they live. “We thought we were victorious, but in fact we were surrounded. The momentum of reaction to overthrow the candlelight revolution was hard.” It is almost delusional. Denying this fiction is condemned as “due to the lack of understanding and respect for the revolutionary initiatives of ordinary citizens.”

It is a pseudo-religious phenomenon. Pseudo religions also cause controversy, and when the denomination faces a crisis, it is a phenomenon in which the satanic forces living everywhere persecute them. Since the ruling class and its supporters are so obsessed with siege mentality, the country is always in a state of civil war of revolution and counterrevolution.

The public party promulgates the slogan that the general election is between Korea and Japan. It’s embarrassing. This is possible because the mainstream and supporters of the Democratic Party form a political community of faith. What unites them as one is the NL imaginary world, that is, the false consciousness that they establish a national spirit against pro-Japanese descendants as an independent army of our time.

Is the Democratic Party an anti-Japanese party?

This imagination, of course, has nothing to do with reality. The Korean Democratic Party, the mother of the current Democratic Party, is an assembly of pro-Japanese and pro-US anti-communist forces. Since Syngman Rhee supported the establishment of an independent South Korean government, their logic is the root cause of the division. In addition, many pro-Japanese landlords oppose land reform. It was the vested power that spoke of paid confiscation and heritage distribution when everyone shouted for free confiscation and free distribution.

Rep. Hong Young-pyo said President Syngman Rhee intercepted the anti-People’s special commission, but that was because the Korean Democratic Party members who helped him were the targets of the investigation. The Korean Democratic Party was an accomplice to the dissolution of the special commission. The party’s Cho Byeong-ok, the head of the US military government’s police department, instructed a hard-line suppression during the April 3 incident, and is called the “monster of massacre”. Later he formed the Democratic Party, whose son served as the head of the Millennium Democratic Party.

Although the descendants of independence activists suffered, the descendants of the pro-Japanese became members of the National Assembly, and they all ate well and lived well. The father of former lawmakers Shin Ki-nam and Lee Mi-kyung of the Democratic Party was a Japanese military police. Kim Hee-sun’s father, Kaneyama Sang, was a special police officer who arrested Lee Jae-oh’s father. Rep. Hong Young-pyo’s grandfather held a high-ranking position during the Japanese occupation.

On the other hand, Syngman Rhee, who is a pro-Japanese group, is regarded as an anti-Japanese greeting in Japan because he took Dokdo. The Independence Hall was built by the Min-Political Party, a descendant of the pro-Japanese faction, and it was the Kim Young-sam regime that demolished the building of the Joseon Government-General, saying that it was “building the history right”. On the other hand, Kim Won-woong, the chairman of the Liberation Society, went through the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the Grand National Party, which are pro-Japanese descendant parties.

The imaginary community of our people

In short, the imaginary world of’Democratic Party = Independence Army, People’s Power = Indigenous Wars’ is not history, but a’narrative’ that exists only in their heads. In the fictional story, North Korea and South Korea, which have completely different systems, are represented as a community of fate that resists foreign powers. The’motherland’ they refer to is not the Republic of Korea, but this imaginary nation-state.

The phrase “peace on the Korean peninsula and the independent position of the nation” (White Paper of the Motherland) means that our nation will eventually reject foreign powers and decide our fate. This romantic notion stems from mistaking the imaginary North Korea as the real North Korea. This confusion creates unrealistic expectations for North Korea’s good will. The North Korean nuclear power plant incident seems to be related.

It is not to call that plan a’transfer act’. However, it has not yet been explained why officials tried to delete the data. Probably, at the command of the superiors, he tried to push ahead with the project beyond the level and speed that was acceptable at the time. Perhaps Congressman Yun Kun-young’s words of’governmental action’ refer to the North Korean nuclear power plant, not the nuclear power plant.

The fact that Democratic Party lawmakers are frequently saying about North Korea is also related to the NL imaginary world that’Chosun is one’. Rep. Moon Jung-bok’s affirmation, who called Rep. Tae Young-ho “the renegade”, or Song Young-gil’s affirmation, “Is there a law that the US has 5000 nuclear weapons, but North Korea shouldn’t have it?” see.

Imagination is not reality

The novel Taebaeksanmaek is an important part of NL’s imagination. This is because a generation replaced the study of modern history with this novel. At one time, that book would have played a progressive role in breaking the taboos of anti-communism. However, when the author said, “We must revitalize the anti-people special committee and condemn the 1.5 million pro-Japanese factions,” he revealed the reaction behind it.

The NL imagination has been hindering the correct solution of many problems. The comfort women issue was not something that would divide the civil society of the two countries in the frame of the’Korea-Japan War’. From the perspective of global citizens, not the nation, it should have been made into a joint agenda of citizens of both countries, opposed to the state’s violence against individuals and the violence of men against women.

The imagination cannot replace reality. It is impossible to solve diplomatic problems with bamboo spears for domestic use. After the uproar, Ambassador Kang Chang-il to Japan received a certificate of “Majesty the Emperor” rather than from the “Emperor”, and the President expressed his intention not to enforce Japanese assets, saying that the judgment on the comfort women was “perplexing”. In the first place, it was not something to call out the nation.

People are calling you

What is worrisome is that this season’s confrontational nationalism will be passed down to the next generation. The anti-Japanese of the younger generation, who are relatively free of ideology, is more of a confrontation consciousness of ‘it is worth trying now’ than a consciousness of victimization of ‘being eaten by Japan’. The old NL narrative is providing a worldview to the inexperienced’Gukpon’ game through the gap of its ideology.

Those who are called as subjects suddenly see the world in a black and white dichotomy with their brain capacity reduced to 1 bit. The prosecution = the judiciary = the press = the power of the people = the indigenous war. This equation is arbitrarily extended as needed. The problem is the racist sentiment contained in the expression of indigenous warfare. It is pathetic as the ruling party has stepped up to tolerate and promote racist prejudice.

‘After liberation, the pro-Japanese liquidation was not possible, so those who suffered from prosperity became successful, and those who were righteous were persecuted. Looking at the prosecution’s greetings, they seem to be right. Indeed, the leaders of power survived, and those who kept the principles were relegated. In this way, they are eagerly’refracting’ modern history. Who is the pro-Japanese descendant?

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University
