Jin Joong-kwon “Would you have realized the 文, a coup of’our side’ indignant by Shin Hyun-soo”

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

“Why don’t you stand on our side?” Justice Minister Park Bum-gye told Min Jeong-soo Shin Hyun-soo: Dike, the goddess of justice, covers my eyes so as not to be on the side, and begins her term of office with the minister in charge of justice splitting the side. In this country, destroying justice has become the mission of the Ministry of Justice.

[진중권의 퍼스펙티브]
The situation was closed, but the Nongdan forces that passed the president remained intact.
Responsible for the Yoon Seok-yeol incident, only President Chu Mi-ae, who is stubborn, becomes a fool
The DNA of this regime is to privatize justice by making the head of the agency’on our side’
Blacklist, Judicial Nongdan, Gukjeong Nongdan… What is different from the impeached regime

Who rules this country

The standard of personnel was also’our side’. The Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, who was to be held accountable, remained. It means that I will have the prosecutor general. The one who insulted the prosecutor general with five roles per person was the southern district prosecutor. It took control of both departments in charge of major events in the country. On the other hand, the one who was framed unfairly could not return.

At this point, it is impossible to know what the president is thinking. There was an expectation that something would change just when the former Minister Chu Mi-ae was stiff. In fact, the President even called President Yoon Seok-yeol, who he admitted to discipline, as “the prosecutor general of our government.” However, the successor minister directs’Chumiae Season 2’immediately.

Only the president has become a fool. In fact, there were reports that the prosecution’s personnel plan was announced without the president’s ashes. It is also heard that he was refused, although Chief Min Jung asked for the responsibility of the Minister of Justice for inspection. The Blue House denies this, but remains silent about the process in which the president’s home was made.

“The reporting process and the process of staying home should be viewed as an act of government.” It seems to be true that the personnel plan was announced without ashes. That was the act of governing. Here we have a serious question. Who will rule this country? Is it the’who’s’ act of ruling to skip the president and announce the personnel plan?

Is the motherland Geumusha

Perspective 2/24

Perspective 2/24

Who is the “our side” that the minister said? Motherland line? Until now, work related to the prosecution was conducted by a former minister, not an incumbent. The dismantling of the prosecution by lawmakers Kang Sung, who was on the judiciary committee, was also in tune with him. Even when the former minister’s authority to command the investigation was invoked, the text of the Ministry of Justice leaked out through the motherland line.

The former minister encourages the dismantling of the prosecution through SNS, and the entire party adjusts to his dance. The Severe Crime Investigation Office also seemed to be the rage of some first-time lawmakers, but when the former minister called for the decision of the Democratic Party and the Open Democratic Party as “the last button of the prosecution reform,” it became the official position of the ruling party altogether.

There is a reason they want to dismantle the prosecution. One is public retaliation for ending the disciplinary action of the prosecutor-general, and the other is private revenge for prosecuting them. Most of those who try to deprive the prosecution of direct investigation, including their motherland, have been prosecuted or convicted at the first trial.

In fact, the powerful influence of the first and second re-election of the motherland line comes from the fact that it coincides with the real interests of the regime. In other words, the prosecutors’ prosecution’s investigations against them have been avoided by the prosecutors, and the supporters have been maintained in a state of political excitement to manage the approval rating. The “our side” the minister said would refer to them.

Who is in control of state affairs

It would not have been just a protest against his’individual’ that Chief Min Jung expressed his gratitude. I don’t know if he suggested the president to inspect the Minister of Justice. However, the fact that the word’inspection’ came out suggests that Chief Min Jeong determined the matter to be a serious situation that required inspection.

It was the President’s promise to the public to change the tone of state affairs that hardened Minister Chu Mi-ae by charging the prosecutor-general’s responsibility for the disciplinary situation. However, the new minister turned over and turned the president into a foolish man. In the eyes of Chief Min Jung, this was seen as a serious violation of the president’s personnel rights.

The investigation of Cho was called a’coup’ that challenged the presidential personnel rights, and the real coup was their own. Some point to the’Democracy 4.0′ created by the’Owls’ members behind it. From the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of Small and Medium Venture Business, and Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, they have won the’Friendly Hana Association’.

The problem is the president. It cannot be known that the greeting plan brought by the Minister of Justice was’Chumiae Season 2.’ Nevertheless, he confirmed the inside. It means that the president is being dragged by these close friends. He said,’Because it’s us, do whatever you want to do’, and there are people who do everything they want to do.

The problem is the president himself

They would have done their usual habit. After all, the president is not very different from them. Isn’t Choi Soon-sil’s will Park Geun-hye’s? Since my will is the President’s will anyway, the President thought lightly that he could skip it with his heart and mind, and Shin would have seen it as an unacceptable Gukjeong Nongdan.

It can be said that Shin’s return to the president urged the president to make a decision. It means deciding whether to normalize the operation of the state administration or whether to remain on the lookout for their Gukjeong Nongdan. The president has yet to make a decision. No, I doubt that even the decision is made by the President.

Thanks to the wave of resignation, the prosecutors who were in charge of the regime investigation were able to keep their positions. On the other hand, prosecutor Lim Eun-jung, who was worried about the incident that was not a big deal, was given the right to investigate. He will be entrusted with the task of removing the stench of the bribe received by former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, the pro-nuclear godmother. Some kind of compromise has been made.

This did not solve the situation. The incision was hurried to suture the incision instead of during surgery because of worry about the lame duck, and the power and mechanism of Nongdan who’passed’ the president remain the same. It is unlikely that Shin, who has returned, will last long. This is because, as long as he continues to serve as a watchdog in the Blue House, conflict is inevitable.

Definition of’our side’

It’s not new. Motherland-Chumiae-Park Beomgye. Every time the Minister of Justice was appointed, there were always four months. ‘Justice’ refers to fairness regardless of the side, but it is because the Minister of Justice (= Ministry of Justice) tried to realize the justice of’our side’. Minshim left the regime each time, but once the approval ratings returned, they have been doing the same thing.

Where was it only for the prosecution? He also urged the director of the audit to be on our side. We did farming through a lying Supreme Court chief, divided the sides of the judges, and replaced our side with the remainder and the other side. This regime’s DNA became the privatization of justice by making the heads of institutions requiring fairness “on our side”.

The difference between this regime is that it has completely convinced the definition of’our side’. They have no idea that it is bad. This is because politics is viewed as a war, that is, an act that separates me from the enemy. The’justice’ of the battlefield is victory, not fairness. That’s why it divides the heads of the institutions in charge of justice.

If I do it, they are good Nongdan, and if others do it, they are bad. This is the definition of’our side’. Privatization of justice is necessary to cover up corruption and preserve privileges. It means that they too have become a vested group with more to protect than to lose. Well, what is the difference from the regime that was impeached, from the blacklist to the judicial nongdan and now the Gukjeong nongdan?

Democracy running backwards

Where the justice of’our side’ reigns, it becomes an opportunist’s paradise. What is truly sad is this. Those who tell the truth suffer, and those who hold the office are persecuted. Those who lie will die forever, and those who betray their positions will succeed. We are watching the gloomy scene before our eyes.

What is disgusting is their false consciousness of knowing it as a historical mission. “For the advancement of history, the Democratic Party must win.” (Representative Nak-Yeon Lee) An election held because of the sexual harassment of the local government head of the Party. It is the “advancement of history” to go from a responsible politics without nominations to an irresponsible politics that changes the party constitution to make candidates.

There is a joke. The wife hears the news and calls her husband on the highway. “be careful. There’s a car running in reverse.” The husband responds. “Not one. All the cars are running in reverse.” His belief in running forward is a nightmare for other drivers. Korea resembles that highway.

If the Roh Moo-hyun regime turned on a blinking left and turned right, the Moon Jae-in regime lost its sense of history and drove in reverse. Who will stop the outlaws on that road. It is the voter’s job to put the brakes on the runaway.

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University
