Jin Joong-kwon “Why don’t you know Kim Eo-jun, a different game from Yoo Si-min”

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

“I can’t read books because my eyes are bad these days. Instead, watch YouTube. I’ve seen all YouTube of Eo-Jun Kim (the broadcaster). Kim Eo-jun is doing a big job for the Democratic Party.”

[진중권의 퍼스펙티브]
Si-min Yoo, apologizing for saying, “I distrusted the words of prosecutors who were public officials
Mistakes not peacocks… Focus on creating reasons for sculpting illegality
Eo-Jun Kim’s’Sewol Conspiracy Theory’ is playing an ontological truth game
Not apologizing for the prosecution’s decision to’no charge’ is because he brainwashes himself.

Lee Hae-chan told former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop when he was the leader of the Democratic Party. In these words, all the problems of the Democratic Party are now compressed. In other words, the public party makes political decisions based on conspiracy theories every time.

Mental president

From the party’s representative, it goes without saying that the lawmakers. If something important happens, go to Kim Eo-jun and discuss it. Everyone was anxious because they couldn’t go to Kim Eo-jun’s broadcast. This is because wearing his last name (?) creates a sense of presence among his supporters. In this country, Eo-jun Kim and Si-min Yoo (Chairman of Roh Moo Hyun-dan) have been mentally presidents while the president has been unable to serve.

The various conspiracy theories they spread are falling apart one after another. Professor Kyung-Shim Chung was convicted. The Channel A investigation team disposes of Prosecutor Han Dong-hoon without charge. The Justice Department’s disciplinary action against the prosecutor general has ceased. The court admitted that former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon was sexually harassed. Chairman Yoo Si-min did not receive notification of account tracking from financial institutions.

In the end, Yoo Si-min apologized. “I demonized the opposing opponents and completely distrusted the words of public prosecutors.” It is the same skill that sounded the hearts of young people with the reason for appeal. I almost forgave him too. He says, “I will accept any form of blame for responsibility,” but it seems that criminal punishment is not included in the form.

He attribute my lies to emotional hostility and logical confirmation bias. It is a mistake, not a duke. This means that the recipient of the apology was not aimed at’all the prosecutor’s officials’, or a specific person named Han Dong-hun. His apology focuses on setting up the reason for this illegality sculpture.

Political theology, the truth of proclamation

Jin Joong-kwon's Perspective Kim Eo-joon Graphic = Shin Yong-ho

Jin Joong-kwon’s Perspective Kim Eo-joon Graphic = Shin Yong-ho

Yoo Si-min even apologizes, but Kim Eo-jun never apologizes. Why? This is because the nature of the game you play in the first place is different. What Yoo Si-min is playing is a game of’epithmetic’ truth. For example, let’s say there is a proposition’x is the Sewol’. This proposition is true if x is age, or false. Because this game is subject to verification, a’form’ to acknowledge and apologize for errors was necessary.

On the other hand, what Kim Eo-jun is playing is a’ontological’ game of truth. His truth is the truth of kerygma, the truth that causes something to exist. For example, let’s say in the launching ceremony, “I name this ship “Sewol”. With this word, the ship becomes just’Sewol’. There can be no lies in this type of game. There are only truths that have failed to build.

When the priest holds a piece of bread and says’the body of Christ,’ the bread really becomes a sacrament. Likewise, when Eo-jun Kim says’it smells like’, fiction becomes fact, and conspiracy becomes reality. Thus, the citation became real, and the collusion of prosecution and the prosecution coup became reality. How magical this magic is, even the former presidential secretary follows the spell.

Eo-Jun Kim does not discuss or argue. This is because what he plays is not a game that hides the authenticity anyway. His role is similar to that of the church master. In the pseudo-denominational church, the headmaster acts as a god. Where does God argue with humans? Just as when God says’Let there be light’, there is light, so when Eo-Jun Kim says,’It smells,’ there really is a conspiracy.

Rasputin in Korea

Instead of a book, the party representative watches his YouTube, and the lawmakers discuss important matters with him. It seems as if you are seeing a scene in which the Emperor Buddha of the late Russian Empire receives government advice from the monstrous Rasputin. Just as Eo-Jun Kim did a great job for the Democratic Party with the’Insight of Muhak’, the monk of Muhak was treated as precious at the court with a’young mouth’ to stop the blood of the prince with hemophilia.

However, the influence of the church leader is limited to within the denomination. Eojun Kim is just one of the common conspiracy theorists outside of the Shinto group. Adding’probability’ and’seriousness’ to his absurd imagination is the role Yoo Si-min has been playing. Even the ghost stories from the conspiracy theor’s mouth (even if it’s’words’) pass through the mouths of intellectuals, and their credibility changes.

Yoo Si-min has played a role in expanding Kim Eo-jun’s influence, limited to blind supporters, to those who are proud of their rationality. When Eo-Jun Kim builds a world with conspiracy theory, Shimin Yoo, as an intellectual, overlays the appearance of logical coherence on the fiction. As I tried to rationalize what could not be rationalized, of course, force and sophistry were forced to mobilize.

The collaboration between the two drastically lowered the intellectual and moral level of the Democratic Party support. ‘Daegaemun’ has already lost the ability of rational communication. The ethical consciousness was also broken. In the case of Park Won-soon’s sexual harassment, they were the ones who inflicted the second attack. Professor Min-woong Kim insulted the victim by revealing the victim’s letter, and a social group accused the victim of’Park Won-soon murder’.

The gap between the law and the feelings of the bereaved family

The most serious of Kim Eo-jun’s lies is the conspiracy theory of the Sewol ferry. Because the harm is still going on. Recently, the special investigation team of the prosecutors’ office has imposed a’no charge’ on most of the suspicions, such as the manipulation of the AIS track, the security guard and the NIS inspection. The frustrated bereaved families revolted greatly. “I condemn the Moon Jae-in government, who is incompetent and irresponsible for the investigation of the Sewol ferry.”

What more do we need to clarify? The boat was lifted and scoured. A regime that took the souls of children as candles came into force. So far, eight investigations have been conducted. The president was impeached, the captain was sentenced to life imprisonment, and 9 Blue House officials and 11 coastal commanders were prosecuted. The commander, who was investigated for suspicion of civilian inspections, even took his own life.

The special commander refers to some’gap’. “I also thought that the bereaved family would be disappointed because they did not meet the expected results. However, I couldn’t force a case that wouldn’t be a legal person, but I had to do it according to the laws and principles.” Expectations of survivors and principles of lawyers. No investigation will be able to fill the gap between the two. The scheduled special prosecution is no different.

The bereaved family simply cannot admit the situation itself. Which explanation could make parents accept the situation in which their children were sacrificed with their hearts? This society has failed to search the souls of bereaved families. One manages the case as a’bad disaster’ and the other uses it as a’good news’, leaving the terrible trauma of the bereaved family as it is.

Sewol ferry intentional sinking theory

What made the trauma deeper was the conspiracy theory of the Sewol ferry circulated by Kim Eo-jun. He has consistently insisted on the sinking of the Sewol ferry through my personal broadcast. His film’That Day, The Sea’ mobilized 500,000 audiences. As a result, the theory of intentional sinking has firmly established itself as an alternative reality, at least as a recognized fact within a specific group.

If the intentional sinking theory goes beyond doubt and approaches conviction, of course, conclusions contrary to it are psychologically unacceptable. So, the investigation cannot be concluded until a result confirming the conviction comes out. The problem is that this makes the trauma of the bereaved family more painful and prolongs their suffering infinitely. Where was the Sewol ferry case the object of conspiracy theory?

Eo-Jun Kim used the Sewol ferry as a subject of conspiracy theory and turned it into a business item. The desperate sentiment of the bereaved family and the collective trauma of the public were used to make money. A bigger problem than the social cost that will arise is the frustration and anger that the bereaved family will newly embrace whenever the investigation ends without results.

Conspiracy theory hinders the true solution of the problem by personifying the’cause’ as the’criminal’. They try to find the’perpetrator’ who intentionally sunk the Sewol ferry. Meanwhile, the’cause’ of the sinking still remains intact. The practice of turning life into profit. Even at this moment, people are dying at work. The severe disaster punishment law that would block the Sewol ferry on land became rags.

With the Sewol ferry, he made money. Some wore badges, and others turned children’s souls into ten million candles and took power. They accomplished their will, and in return the bereaved families suffered prolonged pain.

Still, Kim Eo-jun does not apologize. This is because conspiracy theorists start by brainwashing themselves as deeper and more true than the fact that the lie is confirmed before deceived.

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University
