Jin Joong-kwon “We don’t have DNA for illegal inspections? The mysterious narcissism of 靑”

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Famous painting of Surrealist painter Magritte. There is a sentence just below the pipe drawn in a very realistic way. ‘This is not a pipe.’ The figure shows a pipe, but the sentence denies it. Are you burning art souls at the Blue House these days? A few days ago I published a surrealist poem. The title is’This is not a blacklist.’

[진중권의 퍼스펙티브]
A blacklist case by the Ministry of Environment that the court also admitted to abuse of authority
The Blue House says it’s not a blacklist without saying’blacklist’
Naming the destruction of evidence as’evidence preservation’ and the victim as’damage complainant’
Struggling to resolve cognitive dissonance by turning surreality into reality

Euphemism for admiring illegality

When the Ministry of Environment’s blacklist case first broke out, Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom called it a’check list’. This is called euphemism, and the people of this regime seem to particularly prefer this rhetoric. Imagine that the destruction of evidence was called’evidence preservation’ and the victim was called the’victim complainant’.

The euphemism serves to detoxify reality. The Nazis referred to torture as’strong interrogation’, arrest as’voluntary appearance’, and murder as’special measure’. In this way, the manipulation of language erases the perception that harmful things are harmful from people’s minds, and instills blind conviction that what they do is unconditionally right to themselves and their supporters.

Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok defined the situation as “a case in which the act of receiving a resignation from the former government affiliated subsidiary is an ex officio abuse.” What the hell do you have to do with quarrels there? When referring to a drunk driving case, it is referred to as a case of arguing whether or not driving while drinking is considered a drunk driving.

In the judgment, it reads, “It is an ex officio abuse to have the officers of the affiliates who are guaranteed their status or term of office submit their resignations.” It keeps saying that pipes are not pipes, so the court nailed them to pipes. “This is an illegal practice that must be defeated and cannot be considered as justifying the accused’s conduct.”

Redefine the word

Perspective 2/17

Perspective 2/17

Ethics is not a problem at all. Their interest is in’defining’ the word without being illegal. A former Cheong Wa Dae spokesman narrowly defined the term’blacklist’ as “making a plan to exclude support and mobilizing government organizations to implement it closely.” Even so, this case satisfies all of the requirements set by them.

At the direction of the minister, a list of 30 personnel to be expelled was made. At the request of the Blue House secretary’s office, a document was prepared that recorded the biographies, term of office, remuneration, and detailed comments of the subjects. They even made a’action plan document’ and systematically urged the subjects to resign, and threatened those who refused to resign using gratitude. What more do you need?

Then the incumbent spokesman quickly added a requirement. “Whether there is a list of exclusions and whether there is any surveillance or inspection that follows.” Still, it is a plea that there was no surveillance or inspection. Is it? In the ruling, it is stated that the Ministry of Environment has collected the opinions of the targets, and in the case of certain individuals, the trend of visiting opposition party lawmakers has been identified.

Former and incumbent spokespersons have narrowed down the definition of the word as possible to deny the existence of the’blacklist’, but this case still satisfies the demanding requirements. In particular, the’contents that the auditor Kim Mo should take action after an investigation of misconduct’ shows that the blacklist was implemented as a means of political retaliation beyond the level of surveillance or inspection.

The blacklist is the regime’s personnel policy

Justice is at my disposal, and application at my convenience. They said that “the blacklist must be collected and cleared up of personal misconduct, weaknesses, and weaknesses that can threaten or atrophy or control the people who have collected the opinions” (Rep. Park Joo-min). Then, the prosecution’s collection of opinions that did not correspond to that was defined as’inspection documents’ and used as grounds for the disciplinary action of the prosecutor general.

The uniqueness of the Moon Jae-in regime lies in’the brazenness of the unbearable existence’. The former Minister of Environment was arrested after being sentenced in June 2, but let’s take a look at the official stance of the Blue House. “Our government respected the terms of offices appointed by the former government as heads of public institutions.” So, is it that former Minister Kim was arrested for’respecting the term of office of the head of a public institution’?

Respecting the term of office of the head of a public institution is the basis of this government’s personnel policy. However, the verdict was nailed, saying, “The executives have not been able to meet the appointed term.” Besides, I wonder if former Minister Kim was trying to get me to sit there. It was to seat the paratroopers sent down from the Blue House. Nothing else, this is the basis of the Moon Jae-in administration’s personnel policy.

The court judged this as “a matter that the presidential secretary cannot decide alone.” This is what I told you to do above. The superiors of the personnel secretary Shin Mi-sook are the chief personnel officers of the Blue House and the chief of the secretary office of Lim Jong-seok. Where would this be only the Ministry of Environment’s job? Special Superintendent Kim Tae-woo, who informed of the incident, revealed that “there are personnel lists of 330 public institutions” at the time.

Their bizarre narcissism

There is a striking point in the judgment. “The charges are denied and even the obvious facts are stated differently.” That is why he was arrested during the trial. The same story came out at the trial of Professor Kyung-Shim Chung. “In spite of the objective evidence and credible testimony, all charges are denied.” This denial of the fact itself is the vertical characteristic of the people of this regime.

One day, the Blue House said, “There is no civilian temple in the DNA of the Moon Jae-in regime.” Where was there a seed in the queen’s crown? Likewise, there are no seeds in the blacklisted things. Yet, for some unknown reason, they firmly believe that the seeds are different. It is weird narcissism.

They don’t have the DNA of illegal temples. So if they made a list, it couldn’t be a blacklist. Sophistication is art (?). Since there is no word’blacklist’ in the ruling, it is not a blacklist. Since there is no word in the ruling, it is the logic that he did not smack the money by hitting the tofu with a blunt machine.

No matter what you name it, the fact that they did something nasty doesn’t disappear. It wasn’t that he told him to go out because his philosophy was different, but in the end, he tried to take care of his gangs’ rice bowls. The court evaluated the illegality of the act this way. “This kind of planned and massive resignation practice was not found in previous governments.”

In a word, it is said that the people who shouted’clearing red waste’ are actually more rotten. However, the measure of everything in this country is the Democratic Party. The same practice is also’redemption’ when others do it, and’legal’ when it comes to themselves. “It is an exercise of supervisory authority related to legitimate personnel that does not matter at all to evaluate and supervise the executives of the affiliates.” (Young-pyo Hong, Won Nae Representative)

Blacklist is a blacklist

They don’t end up admitting that they’re new ‘pockets.’ Since it can’t be justified, it goes to the water. Through the NIS, it is poised to grow after the blacklist case of the MB (Lee Myung-bak) regime, which had already become an old place. Perhaps he wanted to say that’this is not a document from the Ministry of Environment, but a real blacklist’.

They accused the agency of attracting the NIS into domestic politics as a ‘pocket block’, and when they do it, it seems that it is a ruin. What they do in the public hall is childish. Is the Moon Jae-in government’s blacklist forgiven that the MB government made a blacklist? ‘Two faults do not produce one right.’ In the United States, I heard that this is taught in elementary school.

They are not always’like that’. We are not blacklisted’that person’. Not only this time. Where was Park Won-soon, such a person? Their refusal to recognize blacklists as blacklists is that acknowledging them destroys the imaginations of them and their supporters, that is, the false sense that they are the power to save the country.

Their disgusting narcissism makes people sick. This is because blacklists force you to accept surreality, not blacklists. The reason they abolished the prosecution’s right to investigate and tried to take control of the court, even the new edition of Judicial Nongdan, would be a struggle to practically resolve the cognitive dissonance by turning the surreal reality into reality.

It’s fun to see a picture that a pipe is not a pipe. However, there is nothing more tiring than going into the painting and living with the people in the rainy season, where the pipe is not a pipe. Since some time, the country has turned into a surrealist work. In such a place, meaningless repetition of the same language becomes the most meaningful truth. ‘A blacklist is a blacklist.’

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University
