Jin Joong-kwon “An anachronistic association advocacy… Lim Jong-seok, please just leave the 文”

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University

“I have to find something to do so that the president does not feel lonely so that democracy does not weaken too easily.” When the court suspended the effect of the prosecutor general’s disciplinary action, former secretary chief Lim Jong-seok posted a post on social media. The situation where the president was greatly embarrassed for neglecting the rule of law. In the meantime, only the thoughts of’leader association advocacy’ in his mind.

Jin Jung-kwon’s Perspective
“I have to find something to do so that the President is not lonely”
Lim Jong-seok posted a post of an anachronistic worship of the ruler
The election vote for the presidential election through propaganda beating the auditor, prosecutors, and court?
He revealed himself without knowledge of democracy and politics… I have to stop my vain dreams

The Blue House of Chief Secretary Lim Jong-seok

I wish he would leave the president alone. This is because all the corruption of the Blue House was actually committed while he was next to the president as the chief secretary. A typical example is the Ulsan mayoral election intervention incident. Eight departments of the Blue House were involved in this mischief. To the best of my knowledge, only the chief of staff has the authority to run all these departments.

At that time, a case of abuse of ex officio by Jeong Moo-seok Jeon Byung-hun and the homeland’s Min Jeong-jung took place. The case of manipulating the economic feasibility of the Wolseong nuclear power plant was also the case when he was in the Blue House. Kim Hak-eui (former Vice Minister of Justice), which became a problem this time, took place during his tenure. In this case, which ignored due process, there is a report that the Blue House Civil Affairs Office intervened at that time.

Have so many Blue House personnel ever been involved in corruption? Twenty thousand people were prosecuted, including senior political affairs, senior civil affairs, secretaries, and administrative officers. The charges range from bribery to ex officio abuse and violation of the Public Official Election Act. One or two would be’individual’ deviation, but if so many people had accidents at the same time, it means that there is something’structural’ problem.

In a word, there was a serious problem with the style of the Blue House itself. This is not just a sochi of incompetence. This is because all these thoughts stem from a fundamental incomprehension of the operating principles and methods of the democratic system. The recent remarks poured out by former secretary chief Lim Jong-seok clearly show where the source of the error is.

A word from the leader

Jin Jung-kwon's Perspective Lim Jong-seok Graphic = Shin Yong-ho

Jin Jung-kwon’s Perspective Lim Jong-seok Graphic = Shin Yong-ho

The first thing that stands out is the president’s shadow over a series of events. Intervention in the Ulsan mayoral election is a VIP-interested business in the first place, and it is a case of’sontaku’ (a Japanese meaning to understand the minds of others). The case of manipulating the economic feasibility was also started with a word from the President, “When will Wolseong Unit 1 stop?” Kim Hak’s case also started with his words, “I will take responsibility for the organization’s luck”.

The notion that the president’s order should be carried out unconditionally, even if it violates the law. This, in fact, suits only the transcendental leader of a totalitarian state. There is a law that even the president’s will cannot do in the rule of law. At that time, it would be the role of the right staff to report the facts to the president and to withdraw unreasonable orders.

When faced with a political crisis as a false assistant, they joined the presidential guard as a group. But, it’s my habit. Also, he was embarrassed when he tried to forcefully defeat the prosecutor general while ignoring laws and procedures. When the President was isolated from public opinion, he stepped out as a lone manager so that he would not be’lonely’. This is also a trace of the anachronistic leader worship.

The idea that elected powers conduct governing acts that transcend laws is far from democracy. However, they refer to the functions of the prosecutors, auditors, and judiciary, which put the brakes on the contrary, as “a face-to-face challenge to democracy” (Rep. Yun Kun-young) and “destruction of the government’s democratic system” (Minister Cho Mi-ae). At all, the consciousness itself is standing in the hand.

The majority of the people did not elect them.

Let’s listen to Lim Jong-seok. “The democratic institutions we agree on and uphold are very imperfect, fragile and full of gaps. If individual members and institutions are not constantly introspecting, they simply fall apart. The prosecution and the court are doing it without hesitation. I gave them tools and ordered them to run errands, and I exercise them like I had created myself.”

It’s not a’self-made authority’, so the prosecutors and courts should not put it into the elected power, but just do the regime’s’errand’. Of course, this bizarre logic also applies to the Board of Audit and Inspection. “I was told to have a sense of ownership, and then I became the owner at all.” Perhaps there is nothing strange in his head as the concept of’separation of power’.

They emphasize that unlike the prosecution and courts, their authority came directly from the people. However, President Moon Jae-in received only 43% in the last presidential election, and the majority of the people did not choose President Moon and the Democratic Party. That is why separation of powers is necessary. That is, the prosecution, court, and auditor are the eyes of the whole people, including the majority who did not choose them.

When the prosecutor general’s discipline was defeated, Lim Jong-seok accused the court of this. “I can’t find a sense of responsibility for the confusion that their actions will bring, neither can the people look at the eyes.” He speaks of’the people’s gaze’, but the majority of the people (52.4%) replied that the decision was’good work’. The opinion that it was’wrong’ remained at 40.6%.

The Squadron of Steel Daeoh of the Ruin

Nevertheless, the reason he sells’the people’ is because he is obsessed with the strange political model of’the direct union of the public and the leader’. In this totalitarian model, people or institutions outside the union are simply regarded as vested powers. Lim Jong-seok also accused the judges of “a very unfamiliar sense of chosen people and a very familiar smell of vested interests.”

The reason for the judgment that the judge who received the perfect score in the judge’s evaluation is the vested power is that it has a chemical nature, that is, it smells. So what about the people who answered that the decision was a good thing? Simple. Just think of it as non-national. They are just’hikokumin’ (non-national people), that is, the enemy forces to be liquidated, and the indigenous warlords to be eliminated.

In a recent public opinion poll, 60% of the opinions that Professor Kyung-Shim Chung’s decision was valid and 32% were unfair. However, anyway, 60% are in the opinion of non-nationals, and the truth is in the opinion of 32% of’true’ people. For them, these are the final judgments. Given that this concrete floor is above the judiciary, we can dare say that the courts “do not pursue facts and truths.”

Lim Jong-suk’s’democraticism’ is not a “democratic system that we agree and maintain.” It is a persistent trace of thoughts in the brain during the youth following the totalitarian regime. As a result, the Blue House became a hotbed for corruption, and the party government office attacked the national system. The warriors of the squadron cooperatives became the warriors of the ruin.

Korea’s democracy is retreating

This situation seems to have been known outside the country. Not long ago, Professor Larry Diamond, a scholar of democracy theory, pointed out, saying, “Democracy is retreating in Korea.” “It cannot be said that winning the election represents a public opinion. The democracy we will pursue is to respect checks and balances, the independence of the judiciary and the prosecution, and the independence of the information society.”

At this New Year’s press conference, the President belatedly put an end to chaos. He called Yoon Seok-yeol “the prosecutor general of the Moon Jae-in government” and said that he “does not think that he is acting as president while thinking of politics.” The reason for the discipline itself was denied. The Wolseong nuclear power plant audit also drew a line saying, “I don’t think it’s an audit for political purposes.”

But it was too late to evaluate. What he did this time is the’ethical function of the presidential office’ that has been abandoned. All this confusion would have been avoided if the function had been exercised right away. Moreover, the attacks of the party, the government, and the government against the prosecution, the auditor, and the judiciary were carried out under his acquiescence. To the people who know this, his remarks are bound to be seen as a method of escape from fluid.

Public agitation

Anyway, only Lim Jong-suk became weak. It is because he was attacking the prosecutor general and the auditor eagerly until just before that. “I smell the same from Jeon Kwang-hoon, Yoon Seok-yeol, and Choi Jae-hyung now.” It seems that everyone followed Kim Eo-jun and completed an evolutionary regression from reason to smell. Why can’t anyone take on the odor of my body with such a developed nose?

His striking move is interpreted as a vote for the presidential election in politics. However, looking at what he did when he was a secretary who turned the Blue House into a den of corruption, and now he started his politics through public agitation, his political outlook is far from “the democracy we agree and keep”. In other words, he does not have the basic knowledge required for democratic politics.

The only persuasive communication they knew during the war was propaganda. Look at the level of Matador. It is’Suk-yeol Yoon and Jae-hyung Choi = Gwang-hoon Jeon’. These are all the aftereffects of the days when I started learning politics with the document’Park Heon-young is an American spy.’ Please, I hope he will end his vain dreams with the feeling of saving his country. I do not want to see a second country.

Jung-Kwon Jin Former Professor of Oriental University
